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I'm Elizabeth. My friends call me crazy, and I have to admit that's probably true. My favorite thing to do is play volleyball. But reading is pretty high on my list also. I love the harry potter books! They are so awesome. Except in my mind Harry didn't end up with Ginny, he ends up with Hermione. I think of myself as Hermione. Well obviously we aren't the same person but we share a ton of similar traits. We both like to read, study, work hard in school, goof off with our friends, and occasionally brake the rules. Hey, rules were made to be broken. Also my best friend Faith, and my best guy friend,  are there for me always. Through thick and thin. Sometimes it can get a little awkward because he used to like me, and I used to like him a little bit also, but I think we are over that. I mean come on we're in eighth grade it's time to stop acting childish. But enough about me let me introduce you to my bestie Faith.

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