Harrington University is known to be the school that has two divisions. The first division consists of prestigious students. In the first division of the school, the lessons are mainly about performing arts, music, business, and technology. I am one of those students from the first division. My parents give the most donations for the continuous funds of the school and are therefore the most respected visitors here.

The second division or the general education division consists of average, common students. Students such as them receive the standard education given to all schools in the country.

The facilities of the two divisions are likewise different. However, they do not differ with the gymnasium and the pathway towards the garden. To distinguish ourselves, the general education students wear dark blue uniforms. On the other hand, we from the first division, wear sky blue uniforms.


I've done all I could, my whole life is a play

I do and follow what my parents would say

I am always there to obey

"Welcome home young miss."

The servants greeted me upon my arrival at home. I nodded at them, afterwards, headed towards my room.

My family is famous for being excellent in the field of music. My father had been a conductor of famous orchestral productions in Europe. My mother on the other hand, was a composer of various soap operas that was famous in Europe and America. Being the daughter of the said two, I was born inclined to music. I have a legacy to live ever since I was born.

As I head towards my room I pass by my parents' various awards, pictures, and achievement, posted on the walls. Once entering inside, I placed my violin carefully in place. Walking briskly towards the bathroom, I took some change of clothes in my closet.

After changing, I finished my homework easily then proceeded to my music scores.

I was about to open my violin case when a knock came from my door, "Miss, your parents are calling for you in the video phone."

I nodded then went out towards the living room.

Once I got inside, I was greeted by my parents appearing in a large screen, "Melissa, how are you dear?"

I smiled, "I'm fine mother, father, how was your business in London?"

Mother smiled, "Oh sweetie, it has been most pleasant. We met the queen yesterday during a private dinner and it was marvelous. But enough about us dear, how was school?"

"It's fine as always mother."

Father eyed me, "Please be more specific Melissa."

I nodded, "Last week, some teachers from Julliard visited the school and complimented my musical skills. The others were most pleased to know that a daughter of yours was studying in the school. They had given me an invitation to avail a scholarship in their school once I reach college." I paused to catch my breath, "I still continue my playing every day, but the music room has been relocated near the general education division."

Mother smiled, "Well those gentlemen have good eyes when it comes to seeing your talent, however they are most unfortunate since I've already made plans for your college admissions. I hope you wouldn't mind that dear?"

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