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I admire how he sits there lost in whatever is on the tv, I can't concentrate, not with him around anyways.

Do you ever feel like someone can't get anymore perfect? Well that's the thing about him, you think he's perfect, but he just gets more perfect with every movement his body makes.

He's sitting on the left to me, not aware of me, of my staring, my thoughts, my admiring, if only he really knew the truth.

I've guess I've always knew I had feelings for boys, but never like this, but it's bad, bad because he's my best friend, the person who helps me, the one who, cares.

"Right, Im going to make dinner, what do you want? Or we could get a take out? But I'm in the mood for cooking!"

I can't help but laugh at his excitement about cooking.

"You can cook, but Im watching in case you burn the apartment down!"

He smiled at me, turned off the tv and headed to the kitchen.

I guess I lied, I didn't want to watch him so he didn't burn the place down, I just wanted to watch, him

So I just lift myself onto the counter top and just sit there staring at my feet dangling over the edge.

"So, does chicken stir fry sound okay? That's pretty much the only ingredients we have, we'll get more tomorrow"

"What? Oh.. Um, yeah that sounds fine"

I didn't mean to sound like that but I was just caught off guard, I wasn't paying attention, he was in my mind, again. I could tell he knew something was up, I knew I was going to get questioned later on, that's what I love about him, he doesn't say anything at the time, but he will ask later, not because he's nosy, because he cares.

He continued to cook and I continued to admire him, I think he knows I'm staring, but I can't get myself to stop.

"You know cooking would be better if you stopped staring at me and talked to me?" He said, but it came out as a question.

"Sorry, Im not in the mood for our dinner conversations"

"But you always are! Your always the one to get things started!"

All I could do was sigh, I mean, how do I respond?

"If there was something up, you'd tell me, right?"

"Of course, your my best friend, I tell you everything"

And with that he continued to cook, I lied, again, not about him being my best friend bit, but the "I tell you everything" bit, I really wish he knew, I always think that there's a chance he could feel the same way, but he just seems interested in women I guess?he hasn't had a girlfriend for a good few years, but that doesn't mean he's gay right?

He puts the stir fry onto the table, and sits down he looks over to me wondering why I still haven't moved, I kick my feet foreword and walk over to the table, when I sit down, I look up to him, by what looks like he doing is tweeting, probably that he's proud that he cooked or something.

He starts to eat, and I decide to do the same. Dinner, for the first time in a very long time, is silent, no tv, no music, no jokes, no giggles. Which makes me wonder, is this something I'm going to have to get used to? This silence?

(A/N There you go guys! Another chapter! Two in one day, So any ideas in who it is? It turns out its alot harder to write as them and not use their names, Im not that proud of this chapter but I will make another chapter soon, and then the chapter after that I will reveal who it is, or he will reveal his feelings, or both? Anyways Goodbye and stay swaggy! Twitter: @AmazingFill :) ))

Why do we have secrets?(a Dan and Phil Phanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now