"Taxi!" I shouted weakly upon arriving outside and one stopped instantly. I wasn't ready to go home. Not yet.


Andres stood there. Processing. Until, the thoughts became to much of a burdened and bubbled over in his subconsciousness. He smashed his fist against the wall, putting a dent into the plaster. He'd never met a more aggravating person in his entire life, besides his own brother at least.

Juliette was sexy as she was cunning and it felt as if she had seduced the man. Led him on only to slap Andres in the face.

The way she felt in his arms tantalized his senses. Every heart felt dip and curve made him mad. Those lips that tasted like the ripest mouth watering wild berries, and they were delicious. Her moans carried his soul, and she slipped through his fingers like sand.

Down in the depths of his emotion, Andres felt guilty. Whether for his actions or his desires, he didn't know.

"Dammit!" The man wailed walking up to his desk and wiping it clear of all the past organized documents.

"I had her! I had her!" He screamed over and over clutching his hair. Andres sucked in a quivering breath, trying to gain more control then took out his phone. His fingers wobbled as he dialed the number.

"Hello?" A hushed tone answered

"It didn't fucking work."

Aero Sinclair on the other line, was confused. Until it dawned on him what his brother meant. "Fuck, what happened."

"She exploded! She told me I was selfish but I'm doing this--we're doing this for her. Doing every little petty thing to upping the
at the job and calling her into work and revoking cell phone privileges and she still wants him."

Aero rolled his eyes, no duh. Now thinking about it, what they did was pretty stupid and childish. Limiting a woman's time with her partner because they didn't like him? Downright foolish. Aero rubbed his forehead.

"Who are you talking to baby?" Chelsea asked picking a piece of broccoli in her mouth (A/N: That was so unsettling to write because I don't like watching people eat and I pictured her doing just so.) She sat across from the man, her eyes spelled mischief. The pair were out to dinner. Chelsea's choice, and though she wasn't being unflattering or irritating in anyway tonight, Aero was greatful for Andre's call to distract him.
"Just Andres, I'll be done in a second."

"She said I didn't know her!"
"And do you?"

"I--she's from New York."
Aero chuckled, it was fun hearing the older Sinclair's distress.


"And she's intelligent a downright charmer who doesn't even know of her charming capabilities. She is Allergic to Peonies and her father is deceased..fuck."

Aero wanted to die in laughter. He himself didn't know much about the woman, but he could always ask. He got to know her a little better when he apologized though. She was forgiving, and other than that one time, she didn't call out Chelsea anymore. At least to his knowledge. Yet she gets led astray by many things. And she speaks her mind.

He looked at Chelsea with patient eyes and placed his fork down to sit back into the chair.

"I hope you know, that if you..if we don't pull ourselves together. We'll be looking for a new Secretary." Andres went silent on the other line.

"Would that be that much of a problem though?" Chelsea asked innocently. Aero frowned pulling the phone away from his face. "Yes. And just because you treat her like shit doesn't mean she is to everyone else's disposal Chelsea. Grow up honestly- Yes I'm here."

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