
Start from the beginning

Nolan's quiet for a moment. "There hasn't been anyone talking bad about you. If anything, your advancement this last year is approved of by superiors. You're not expendable."


"Maybe the reason Raven hasn't contacted you with other jobs is because you're already where they want you to be." Nolan answers simply. "If they didn't want you anymore Tinks, you'd already know."


"You'd be dead."

Nolan's sarcastic answer was meant to be comforting in a way, but all Thalia thought of while she waited on a random park bench was how not comforting that statement was. Even though it was true, she didn't know what was worse. Wondering if an organization was going to have her killed, or wondering if Mr. Robot was apart of Raven-Hood. Maybe the reason she hasn't been given anymore projects is simple. She's already where they want her to be.

"Sup, Natalia." A voice exclaims, before a familiar dark-haired girl with heavily shadowed aqua eyes takes a seat on the bench next to Thalia. This was the place Darlene requested that they meet.
She was dressed in combat boots, a short jean skirt, and a strange gothic Hello-Kitty t-shirt. Darlene's eyes raked over Thalia's purposely flirty outfit style as she stifled a small grin.
"Ah, you didn't need to dress up for me." Darlene said casually, examining her pitch-black fingernails.

Thalia smiled. "Do you like it? I wanted to show I'm capable of ripping your tongue out while still looking fabulous." She answered sweetly, watching Darlene with a sadistic smile.

Darlene stared at her unblinking, and Thalia couldn't help but chuckle.  She scared Darlene on a certain level, and they both knew it. Sometimes, fear was necessary. It would definitely prove helpful to show Darlene Thalia wasn't one who liked to be toyed around with.
"Yeah yeah, scary pants." Darlene waved off. " C'mon, we're going to be-"

A loud, annoying ringtone begins to blare, causing Darlene to pause. She scowled as she removed her phone from her large bag. "Yeah, what?"
She listened for  few seconds, before rolling her eyes to hand Thalia the phone. "He wants to talk to you."

Thalia stared at her. The only person she could be talking about was Mr. Robot.

"He's a dramatic one." Darlene mutters absentmindedly, rolling her aqua eyes.

Thalia carefully accepts the phone, pressing it to her ear. "What do you want?"

"Oh, how snippy of you, TinkerHell." A familiar robotic voice purrs. "I wanted to let you know I won't be able to make it tonight, but I thought you should have fair warning that you have a member of the Lowland drug depo is scoping out your apartment. I'd think of relocating if I were you."

This wasn't exactly news to Thalia, but it still sucked to hear. It just proved what she had already figure out for herself.
 Does anyone really want to be proven right when you're assuming homicidal junkies are following you?
She sighed.
"I wouldn't have a druglord up my ass if it wasn't for one of your flying Fsociety monkeys that got me in hot water." Thalia replied stiffly, causing Darlene to raise a dark brow. She had no idea what this exchange was about, but she looked interested due to Thalia's sarcastic response.

"Ohh don't blame Mr. Alderson." The robotic voice laughs. "The boy can't help himself but believe in the naïve, sometimes."

Thalia didn't know what that comment was supposed to mean, but she didn't exactly find herself caring. "Can we quit with the stalling? What the hell do you people want from me? The sooner this gets solved the sooner I can go home and watch some Scrubs reruns." She says sourly.

"Comedy." The robotic voice mused. "I wouldn't have pegged a trainee assassin such as yourself would enjoy comedy all that much. I would've thought you were more into action or mystery."

Thalia rolled her eyes. "I get enough of that in every day life. So thrill me, puppet master. Tell me what you want or I'm hanging up."

"Can you afford to be so hostile, Natalia? I don't think that's very wise of you." Mr. Robot taunts, obviously referring to  his black mail he has over her.

"You need me or you wouldn't even be bothering with me." Thalia shrugged, flipping Darlene off just because she didn't like Darlene was trying to listen in to the conversation.

The move annoyed Darlene, but there wasn't much the young woman could do about it. If she knew as much as Mr. Robot did, she knew fully well Thalia was capable of kicking her ass.

"Touché. The phone call was fair warning on your current living situation. But, get off the line and Darlene is going to take you where you're needed."


It was over an hour long drive in a beat up chevy impala before Darlene really started giving details about where it was they were headed. "All you have to do is steal the security access card of Ford Decker-"

"-Ford Decker, owner of operations at Steel Mountain, Ford Decker??" Thalia questions, her shock not hidden. It was one thing to steal for a bunch of computer hackers, but hearing who it was they wanted her to steal from was shocking. The guy was a billionaire. Why not just try and break into the white house while they were at it?

"That's the one." Darlene sing-songs, pulling to a stop outside of a ratty looking fun house on the outskirts of the highway. It was right off the interstate when you wanted to head towards the docks. It's only as Darlene slips a pair of heart-shaped sunglasses from her visor to slip on does she find Thalia staring at her.

"Why the hell are we at a dilapidated looking funhouse in upstate New York?"

"Well I'm sorry you were hoping for somewhere a little fancier." Darlene shrugs, slamming her car door shut behind her.

Thalia didn't like the look of the strange place. It reminded her of a setting for a horror movie. It was a run down shack with only three cars in the parking lot, and a  broken sign on the window saying OPEN. It was obvious to Thalia this run-down place was most definitely not open.
The only thing missing from the strange setting was a deranged serial killer in a bunny costume wielding a chain saw.

Darlene leads the way through the door. She maneuvers her way throughout the abandoned building, shuffling around old pieces of wood and tables while motioning for Thalia to follow. Darlene head to a flight of stairs before lightly skipping down them. As soon as she gets to a broken door, she sighs. "Knockety-knock-knock." She calls, holding the door open for Thalia before locking it behind her.

"Finally! What took you so..." A man trails off, suddenly catching view of Thalia. "Who the hell is this?"

"New recruit, Romero." Darlene sighs, skipping ahead to launch herself over the random breakfast bar on the far side of the room. Once successfully over, she proceeds to head over to an area that seems to have a variety of snack-like products awaiting.

The dark skinned man's eyes rake over Thalia, his lip curling. "Why am I surrounded by so many fucking young people." He scoffs, more to himself than to Darlene.

"Nice to meet you, too." Thalia mutters, before feeling more eyes on her. A heavy set man with a scruffy bear and thick black glasses steps forward, along with a woman in a long flowing outfit assemble with a head dress.

"What shall we call her?" The woman asks, watching Thalia before sparing her a small wave. She was shy.

"We don't use real names." A familiar voice says, causing Thalia to realize Elliot Alderson was among this group of misfits. There was six people total now, including Thalia.
Thalia locks eyes with Elliot for a brief second before diverting her gaze to the other members. After her argument with Elliot the other day she didn't want him to gain the impression she changed her mind on wanting to become friends or allies.

Unhackable (Elliot Alderson/Mr. Robot)Where stories live. Discover now