Chapter Twenty Seven

Start from the beginning

He sighed frustratedly. "I'm taking you out to dinner. We haven't had any brother bonding time in years!"

I raised an eyebrow at him. "More like since three weeks ago."

"Whatever. Now come on!" he whined, trying once again to tug me out of the kitchen.

"No, Ni. I have to bake these cupcakes that I screwed up, like I do everything else!" I huffed.

He looked at me in confusion. "What?"

I sighed. "I was trying to make cupcakes for Harry to try to be a good boyfriend, but I put way too much vanilla in and ruined them."

Niall brushed past me, and stood at the counter, staring into the cake batter.

"It's just," I mumbled, feeling tears build in my eyes. "Harry is so good to me, and treats me perfectly, and I'm so useless. I can't do anything right, even to thank my boyfriend for everything he does for me and- are you ignoring everything I'm saying?"

Niall was dipping his finger into the bowl, and sucking the batter off.

"Niall, just forget it. Now move so I can throw this shit away." I muttered angrily, pushing him out of the way.

He looked at me with wide eyes. "No! Don't dump it!"

I huffed. "Why not?" I demanded, a bit of attitude seeping into my voice.

"This tastes incredible! Bake your cupcakes. Harry will love them." he gushed, rushing over to fetch the muffin tin I had previously filled with cupcake liners. "But make sure you save me some."

I looked at him, shocked. "You can't be serious."

He nodded, gripping my hands and moving them over the bowl. "I don't joke about food, mate." he chuckled.

I sighed, beginning to pour the batter into the cupcake papers. "Alright Nialler, I'm gonna take your word for this."

He was practically bouncing on his feet as I slid the cupcakes into the oven.

I set the timer, and placed it on the counter. As soon as my finger tips left the device, Niall was grabbing my arm and yanking me up the stairs.

"Ni!" I screeched as he dragged me into his room, shutting the door behind us.

He pushed me onto the bed, and skipped over to his closet, which we pretty much shared since the girls and I practically live here now. I sat up, glaring at my blonde best friend.

"What the hell, Niall?" I hissed.

He shrugged, grinning back at me. "I wanted you to get ready."

He then pulled a towel from his drawer, and tossed it at my head. "Go shower!" he ordered, thumbing through my shirts hanging in his closet.

I grumbled under my breath, and shuffled out of his bedroom to the tiny bathroom across the hall.

I sighed as I gazed at me reflection in the mirror. All I saw were flaws... I knew Harry would tell me otherwise, but years of your father burning hatred filled words into your head, it's hard to actually believe it.

No, stop thinking of him. The sperm donor is in prison, and I'll never see him again. I tried to think of the words Harry spoke to me everyday... "You are flawless perfection in my eyes, don't let anyone tell you anything different."

I smiled, and stripped out of my clothes, turning the shower on to let the water heat up.

I shifted on my feet, humming the tune of Look After You by The Fray.

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