Chapter 2- Understand Me

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********Hey, guys!! A lot of you commented on how everyone was kind of mean for abandoning Miki and how they all got angry for her hurting Tsunade like that, but I kind of leaned on Miki learning a lesson there, and she should trust her Hokage's decision. I mean, I know it was cruel to throw her out, but in my point of view, Tsunade did the right thing as a Hokage. Guess its just my point of view though haha. Anyways, just wanted to ramble about that.



And then flashes.

"Fiercer. Harder. Your opponent won't show compassion, so don't show any." Pain's voice rang in my head as a flash of me training went through my mind.


"It's not up to you what he chooses. My brother is still naive. He can be easily dyed into any color." Itachi's voice echoed in my skull.

More floating.

"Are you stupid? Why would I want to eat your disgusting food?" Deidara shouted, his beautiful, fiery blue eyes glaring at Hidan.

"Maybe cause you're a filthy pig!!" Hidan retorted.

"What'd you say, un?!??"


"Don't forget. If you kill the master, you must kill the student. Because the student only brings ten times as much damage as the master." Pain said.

"I-" my voice protested in those flashes.

"Silence. You will kill Sasu-"

And it was over.

My eyelids fluttered, my body exhausted suddenly. I felt my limbs turn to lead and my head felt heavy against my shoulders. I realized my breathing was erratic and my heart was thundering in my chest.

"She really doesn't have that much information. We know a couple of bases she was at, but other than that, she doesn't even know about any plans they have. Guess the leader is conservative." A male voice spoke up, making my eyes struggle to open.

Looks like the interrogation was over.

I finally managed to crack open my eyelids and I scanned the room wearily for Ryuu. Ibiki was gazing down at me as he unchained my arms from the position they were in. They had said it was necessary since bodies tended to move violently when memories were probed. Maybe that was why I felt exhausted.

My eyes suddenly dilated. Sh*t. I forgot to feed before we had started. I felt the hunger rumble through me, my teeth suddenly aching. I ran my tongue against the roof of my mouth. I felt my eyes become sharper and a small heat was building behind them. I really hoped I wasn't so thirsty that my eyes had turned red.

I shook my head slightly and let random thoughts flash in my head, trying to calm down.

"How long was I under?" I questioned, standing up unsteadily. Ibiki gazed at me emotionlessly, speaking lowly. If I had red eyes, he didn't let me know it.

"Two hours. You're one of the thrashers, too. Your memories must haunt you." He pointed out bluntly, almost making me flinch. But years with Pain had made sure I could guard at least something as simple as that. I swallowed uncomfortably, my eyes darting to see Ryuu. I saw him walking over.

I nodded at Ibiki in a goodbye and he nodded at me. Unexpectedly, he reached a hand out to me. I grasped it after short hesitation.

"It's good to have you back." He said quietly. My eyes almost filled with tears at the sincerity in his eyes.

Even though I felt the betrayal of what Tsunade had done to me, I didn't hate her or any of them. I only felt stung and I didn't want to just toss away the feeling of being stung just to make it easier for them. I wanted...l don't know.....justice? I didn't want to hurt her, I just wanted her to see what a big mistake it was for her to do what she did.

Chi was right. I was an idiot.

"Are you alright?" Ryuu questioned, finally appearing and grabbing onto me instead of Ibiki. It had been kind of tense since that incident, and we hadn't spoken much. But I definitely sunk into his embrace as he picked me up and walked away from the interrogation room.

I faded in and out and I suddenly realized we were now at the apartment.

I licked my lips as he set me down. When he met my eyes, his widened.

"I forgot you hadn't fed. Geez, why didn't you tell me? Here," he said, holding out his hand.

Nope. Wrong. I wish he had held out his hand for me to use him as my blood bag. He was delicious enough. That might have sounded wrong to many, but when I was hungry, I wanted his blood. Human blood tasted best.

He had cold blood stashed away for me in times like these. Usually, I would have to go find some prey, some poor animal out in the forest. But apparently, my eyes freaked people out. I was already part of the main gossip, a rogue returning to the village after being with the Akatsuki.

Like I needed more rumors about me.

I ripped open the blood bag with my teeth and just chugged it down, the taste old but still satisfying. I felt myself whine in the back of my throat instinctively. I hated cold blood.

"Don't complain," Ryuu chided, his eyes set on me. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and pouted as he disposed of the bags.

"Naruto and Sakura have finished their training test. Do you want to go see them?" Ryuu asked softly. My body stilled.

Would they even want to see me?

"You should just fix it while you can. You know Naruto overreacts. He'll probably apologize before you do."

I let my mouth curl up into a half-hearted smile. I knew he was right. Better just to get it out of the way.

I grabbed his arm and transported to where the battle ground was supposed to be. I watched with amusement as I saw Kakashi hugging his Icha Icha Paradise book. Naruto and Sakura were chatting, laughing. I walked forward slowly, and they spotted me quickly.

I almost turned back, seeing the cold look in their eyes. What had I been thinking? It had only been a couple hours since the incident. They were probably still pissed off.

I stopped in front of them. Naruto's eyes had softened slightly, but they looked guarded. Sakura just looked pissed.

"Just apologize, kid. Be the bigger person." Chi interrupted.

"If my thighs got any bigger than Sakura, I'd look like a whale."

"That was funny. Mean. But funny."

I let my eyes meet theirs and I swallowed. Then I spoke.

"I'm sorry for what happened before. I don't know what came over me. I'll understand if you don't want to associate with me anymore." I said. Chi snorted.

"What is this, a business company meeting?!? Use words Naruto can understand!" Chi scolded as I saw the confused look on Naruto's face.

"I'll understand if you don't want to be friends anymore, Naruto." I said, the words thick in my throat. Because I really didn't understand. I didn't want to lose them as friends. Well, maybe Sakura.

Naruto's eyes immediately watered when he understood.




"Calm down, idiot," Ryuu said tightly with a smile as he ripped me out of Naruto's tight hug and brought his fist down on Naruto's head. Naruto whined.

"You hit me when I'm mean to her and you hit me when I apologize. Are you ever satisfied?" Naruto shouted at Ryuu, glaring. Ryuu shrugged.

"You're loud when you're doing both, so I guess I won't ever be."

"You bastard-!"

"It's my fault too, dork. I overreacted," I spit out before I lost my nerve. I heard Sakura giggle as Naruto grinned at me. I turned to her.

"It's always so hard for you to apologize," Sakura pointed out at me. I growled at her.

"You gonna start pointing out my flaws?" I snapped playfully.

"You demonstrate them on your own everyday, I don't think I need to." Sakura said, sniffing. Naruto laughed.

Oh. So Sakura had gotten better at replying to my attacks.....

Like hell if I would let that pass. I smiled. Ryuu sighed.


"Get her away!"


"Kid, this isn't exactly the type of behavior needed from a newly-established non-rogue!"

A few minutes later, Sakura was dusting herself off and Naruto was laughing his head off. I grumbled under my breath as Ryuu made me sit under a large tree.

"You need to control that fiery temper of yours." Ryuu scolded, his eyes glaring at me. I shrugged. Like it was my fault Sakura knew how to bring the worst out of me.

"And to think she had come to apologize," Sakura muttered from not too far away. At least to where I could definitely hear her.

"Say it again, I think next time, I might get up and help grant your wish of death."

Suddenly, a figure appeared before us that I recognized as Shikamaru.

"The Hokage wants to see all of you."

I stood up to remove myself and leave. Seems like the Hokage already had a mission for Naruto and Sakura. Shikamaru's eyes landed on me immediately.

"You too," he said, his eyes amused for some reason. I tried not to look shocked. She wanted to see me?

We all appeared before her quickly to catch her muttering to Shizune about something to do with alcohol. I really had to hold back a grin there.

When she looked up, our eyes accidentally met. I quickly looked away. It was slightly embarrassing since I had been so dramatic before. She cleared her throat, standing up and walking around her desk to face us.

"I've called you all here to tell you something." Tsunade said, eyes level.

"Naruto!" She barked.

"Eh?" He looked up at her.

"Answer me!"

"Oh! Yes?!?"



She turned to me.



"Today, you will all be forming a four-man squad with Kakashi. It will be known as Team Kakashi." She announced. We all turned to him. He looked up from his book.

"This team is not a teacher-student type of squad now. We are now all equals on the same team." Kakashi said with a smile.

"Yosh!" Naruto grinned, beaming. Sakura gave a small, confident smile.

"And as of now, you're first mission will be to guard a gold bullion transport convoy." She finished. Naruto's face fell into a look of distaste.

"Whaaaat? A guard for a transport convoy?" Naruto said in disbelief. I sighed. Here we go.

"Huh? You got a problem?" Tsunade barked loudly, her eyes narrowed.

"That's totally a C-rank mission! I'll just have to say no thanks to a mission like that...." He said, totally making up his mind as he turned away slightly. My eyebrow twitched.

Tsunade glowered at him. Kakashi sighed as if he knew he was going to get the wrap for this.

"He hasn't matured mentally at all, has he?" Chi whined. I nodded my head at her, laughing inside.

"Naruto, this is more or less a comeback for you, so we thought we'd give you a easier mission." Tsunade explained. Naruto frowned.

"I didn't ask for this!" He protested. Sakura wrapped her arm around his throat and pulled him back, smiling tightly.

"I'm sorry, Master, I'll give him a good scolding for that!" She said shakily, her eyes apologetic. Geez, was Tsunade that scary?

"The details of the mission are written here." Tsunade slid a piece of paper out from in front of her. Kakashi nodded, walking forward to receive it.

"The Third Hokage was much more understanding about this....." Naruto muttered loudly, still choking from Sakura's grip.

"Huh?!? You say something?!?" Tsunade snapped, eyes narrowed with anger.

Sakura's eyes bugged out and she tightened her grip even more, making Naruto turn purple. I couldn't help but let out a tiny laugh.

"Fifth Hokage! There's trouble!" A woman burst into the room, her dark hair a mess on top of her head. She ran forward to stop in front of Tsunade, a sheet of paper tightly clutched in her hands.

"What's all the commotion?!?" Tsunade questioned in surprise. The lady spoke quickly.

"We've received an emergency message from the Sand." She explained, handing her the wrinkled scrap of paper. Tsunade's eyes scanned quickly, and she let out a noise of shock.

From the Sand? Gaara? My eyes narrowed. Naruto slipped out of Sakura's grip.

"The Sand?!" He muttered.

"Hey, what's happened?" Naruto spoke up, eyes worried. I came closer, wanting to hear this as well. What happened to the Sand?!? A bad feeling settled in my stomach. Tsunade looked up, lips pursed.

"The Kazekage of the Hidden Sand....has been taken by members of the organization of the Akatsuki."

My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach.

First, Gaara had been taken. Second, it was by the Akatsuki. Immediately, Tsunade's eyes landed on me. I felt my anger boil up. Now was not the time to be looking at me, but searching for a solution to help.

I let my eyes drop to the ground. Pain never mentioned doing this. Why was he doing this anyway? We weren't exactly beasties, but I would've known if he was planning something like this. Unless....I had been kept out from the start. Had they really never trusted me at all?

Did I have no one's trust anymore?

"I knew nothing about this," I snapped at Tsunade and she blinked, the only sign that made me realize my words were too harsh again.

She looked back to the front, avoiding my gaze. I sighed inside.

"We have more information about the Akatsuki the Sand has officially requested our help." Tsunade said, her eyes now boring into all of us.

Don't tell me....she planned to send all of us to do this? I wish I could remember what would this would carry out. But it had been a long time since I could remember anything about the show.

"Tsunade-sama, don't tell me you plan on...?!" Shizune interrupted. Tsunade closed her eyes.

"This is a time of emergency. I don't have time for personal selection. Besides, we already have someone whose fought against the Akatsuki and......"

"One who's been with them." I finished for her, my eyes on the ground. The room was quiet for a moment before she continued.

"I will now issue Team Kakashi a new mission. Go to the Village Hidden in the Sand and find out what's going on. Report back to the Leaf and follow orders from the Sand if we need to provide back-up." She filed out the orders quickly.

We all nodded at once, my nod without hesitation. There was no way I would allow this. I would not allow my families to hurt each other. I would help save Gaara and punch whoever it was thar decided to mess with him. I was being playful about it now, but this was actually very serious.

Whatever Pain-sensei had been planning......he didn't tell me because he knew I would never agree. Sh*t. This wasn't good. Because I remember some small moments when they would send me away for just a quick mission that wasn't entirely dangerous, just exhausting, but I would return earlier than expected and catch them whispering.

I heard random words, all of them ringing in my head. There was talk of plans, and power, and.....Jinchuuriki. My eyes narrowed.

"Whatever Pain was planning, I'm undoubtedly sure it has something to do with the Jinchuuriki side of the Kazekage." I voiced out loud before I lost my nerve. They needed to know at least this. They looked at me in surprise, but I kept my eyes steady. Tsunade nodded.

"Pack for the trip and I'll meet you all at the front gate." Tsunade ordered.

I grabbed Ryuu's arm and disappeared instantly, appearing in the apartment. He turned to me.

"Did you know about this?" He asked. I gave him a look. He nodded and began packing essentials.

"Do you think he'll be ok?" My voice came out almost broken. I was no longer in love with Gaara, but I still cared for him deeply. He was, at the very least, a friend. A comrade. Ryuu heard my uncertainty and he came up to me, gripping my shoulders.

"With all these people looking out for him and caring for his safety, there's no way he won't be." Ryuu said gently, his eyes meeting mine. I nodded, giving him a smile. How did he always know the right thing to say?

"Are you ready?" He asked, as I finished shoving water into the small pouch I carried. I turned to him, grabbing his arm and grinning as I made a sign to appear at the front gate.

"Is that a trick question?"


Second chapter. Not sure I'm entirely satisfied with how it went, but hey, I tried. Let me know how you feel about it, if you're confused about anything. Or if you just want to vent on how emotional and needy Miki is. Hahahahahaha- I'm serious. 0___0 haha anyways, thanks for reading and all the support!!

Love ya! ;)

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