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"Everyday is a cheat day."

The number of relatable moments for food is endless. I started it with everyday is a cheat day not because I have experienced it. Quite the opposite actually, I have never put myself in a diet because I already know I will never actually follow it and food is too good to pass up.

"There's a monster growling inside your stomach in the middle of class."

This happens to me often because I just don't like the feeling of eating in the morning so I usually skip breakfast thus a growling stomach in the middle of class.

"Searching for food in the refrigerator but never actually finding anything to eat."

I can't find anything edible worthy in the refrigerator and it's a fact. Like, you store food in it but somehow it doesn't look appetizing so you're left with eating chips.


I know it wasn't as good as the first one, I'm sorry. Been totally busy with school and this is the only thing I could update. I've been meaning to update for so long but before I could even type something my eyes close and I end up falling asleep.

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