YGMHP~ Chapter 8- Weird Balloons...

Start from the beginning

"It's to my parents," Lily said, not thinking.

"But it's got your name on it."

"I like to address letters with my name on the, er, front, and the address on the, er…back."

Stepping forward, Peter said, not so discreetly, "SHE'S CRAZY" in what he thought was a whisper.

"I know," James agreed, genuinely smiling, "Doesn't it make her look really attractive?"


"Don't answer that, Wormtail."


"I think I hear my potion bubbling," Lily lied, holding a hand to her ear. "Bye."

James closed his eyes and pouted his lips, ready for a goodbye kiss.

"Nancy, if you think I'm going to snog you, you're thoroughly mistaken. Purse up those lips."

James opened his eyes and discovered no redhead but a black haired twit named after a mass of gas held together by its own gravity.

"Where'd the orange peel go?" he asked in disappointment.

"Up my arse picking daisies," Sirius replied. On cue, Peter laughed though Sirius had recounted that same remark on a gazillion number of occasions.

"If you're referring to the carnivorous animal with a bushy tail as Lily," Remus said, "then I can inform you she has returned to her desk."

"Bugger," James cursed, slumping on his stool.

"Surely you can manage without her lips for the rest of the lesson!" Sirius said.

"But I need them like air…" James slammed his head on his desk in defeat.

Lily sat in the common room of the Head Tower, the Half Blood Prince's recent letter sitting in her lap. She'd hurried off from Potions to escape to the tower so she could read the letter without any interruptions.

She re-read the words on the parchment:

The modest Rose puts forth a thorn,
The humble sheep a threatening horn,
While the Lily white shall in love delight,
Nor a thorn nor a threat stain her beauty bright.

Lily did not like the feeling in the pit of her stomach.

She suddenly felt guilty; guilty for giving the Prince's knife away. Maybe if she talked to Nicole she could get it back…

No, keeping the present would be like betraying James…as if she hadn't enough by lying to him.

Lily sighed and pushed her hair back, massaging her forehead. This all was beginning to be too much for to handle.

She was quickly reminded of the time by glancing at her watch, realising she was late to her lesson of Arithmancy. Regaining her composure and swinging her bag back onto her shoulder, she walked to the portrait of the Fat Man and stepped through, startled to see James through the entrance.

"You changed the password without telling me?"

"James, I'm late to Arithmancy," Lily said softly, but passed him with apace.

He had wanted to get into the Tower and fetch the school book he had left in his dormitory. This, evidently, had not happened as the Fat Man had informed him that the password had been changed, which led him to standing outside the portrait for ten minutes, listing random words and hoping it was the new altered password.

As Lily passed him, James debated whether to go into the tower but in the end found himself following her down the corridor and forgetting the book because of either: the luring Lily Evans scent, because he'd rather have a quick grope with her before lesson, or to retrieve the new password.

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