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School is the best place for activities such as *shudder* "friend making".
The most " friend making" *shudder*you could possibly do is in kindergarten. When all people care about are toys and not getting koodies or boogers all over themselves. Or anything else. Like poop.

Anyways, if you move to a different school after that, you're screwed. S-C-R-E-W-E-D.

But fear not, my *shudder and hard gulp* f-fri...friend. For I am here to help you. *grabs note cards*
•Step One- Don't be weird.
No, seriously. Don't blend in with all the cool kids and such. Don't be weird. I swear, they're all zombies. Worried about education and grades and *gulp* boys.
Or girls. Whichever gender you are into.
•Step Two- It will be okay to not take the hot lunch. In fact, I suggest it. Unless you have a strong immune system from years and years of canned hot lunches that survived years without seeing the light; its okay to take moms cooking to school. No one will blame you. You will be envied.
And you'll be on your mom's good side.

And most importantly, step (or rule);
•Step Three- Romance
Stay away from this sucker. Its a hormone and testosterone party and it ends in nothing but fireworks, possible STDs and babies. Not fun. Oh, and heartbreak. You know, the stuff almost every girl is posting about? Yeah. That crap. Don't fall into that. That's bad.

Do these things and you will make friends and survive highschool.
As for adults;
Have fun you grown up prehistoric dinosaurs. May Viagra be your friend.

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