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previously- nothing could have prepared them for what happened the next night,it was to say the least unexpected.

When harry woke up it was still early then sun only just rising, harry was an early riser, he always had been or he didn't get anything to eat at the dursleys or would have been late classes because Ron was quite unreliable some mornings, but he was never up this early. 'oh well' he thought 'no use trying to go back to sleep now' he went down to make some breakfast for his parents and himself he decided on making a full English, if he had the necessary things, which he probably did because he had went shopping a few days ago with Ginny. Just as he was plating up Lilly appeared in the kitchen doorway "Good morning harry" she said "morning" he replied putting the plate down on the table "I'll go get dad" harry said and lilly replied with "no need 1 2 3" and with that James apparated just next to the table. They all sat down and harry said "dig in" with a smile on his face that didn't appear as often as it used to since the war.

They had finished breakfast and harry was just about to floo call the weaselys when a black owl(one of the ministry's) knocked on the window a letter tied to its leg. Harry let it in and took the letter it read

dear Mr Potter,

there is an issue here at the ministry and we require your assistance.

-head Auror kingsley shacklebolt

"everything all right harry" James looking at his son "i er don't know but I've to go to the ministry Kingsley sent for me" James nodded and Lilly came in "what's going on?" she asks "I've to go to the ministry but i wasn't told to take anything so I'll only be a few hours at most" harry replies, lilly nods "help yourselves to whatever you find and nobody knows i live here except Ginny,hermione and the rest of the weaselys and chances are they'll know im at the ministry so nobody will be around here" they nod "bye" harry says and James says "be careful" he nods and apparates to the corner just around from the phone box, he walks into it states his name and why he is here and goes to the aurors department.

Harry knocks on Kingsley's door and he is let in "harry, we seem to have a bit of an unusual situation and i need you to question somebody" harry nods and asks "who is it?" "Sirius Black" harry shakes his head "i saw him die" kingsley nods "i know this is strange but we've had a few people who were believed to be dead come back, and as far as i'm aware you were the closest to him" harry nods "you believed me rather quickly have you had some experience with this recently?" Kingsley says "yeah last night, my parents in Godrics Hollows i used veritaserum and and asked question only they would know" Kingsley nods"he's in there, here is the veritaserum" he hands harry the truth potion and harry walks into the room and sees a man he would call Sirius Black. "harry?" 'sirius' asks "yes, i need you to rink some of this, you know what it is?" 'sirius' nods and drinks some, harry keeps his wand to hand when he asks "if you really are sirius, how did you escape azkaban and why?" "i transformed into my amanigus form and went to kill the little rat peter." harry nods "what did you buy me for my first birthday?" "i got you a little broom even though Lilly specifically said nothing that you could hurt yourself on, she was so mad at me that day" Harry smiled and undid the bindings Kingsley put on Sirius. "do you want to go back to my house?" harry asked "if you have food" harry laughed and went into kingsley's office "well?" he asked "its sirius, im taking him back to mine,see you Monday" he smiled "see you monday, and sirius here is your wand" Kingsley said handing him his wand and with that they left and went back to 18 orchard avenue.

Harry walked into his house and Lilly and James were sitting talking on the couch, Sirius walked in behind him. "HARRY!" both James and Sirius shout at the same time looking at him while harry laughs and lilly turns round a look of shock upon her face which makes harry laugh even harder, when harry calms down he explains that sirius was why kingsley wanted him there and that he too turned up alive randomly, and Sirius and James ran up to each other meeting halfway across Harry's living room. Lilly sighs loudly and sirius hugs her too,they start talking and harry goes and makes everyone a cup of tea.

After James and Sirius stopped shouting(happily) he gave them their cup of tea and let them all catch up while he went to his study and did some of his auror work and floo called Ginny. "hey Ginny" harry greeted "hey harry" "are you busy?" "nope" "good" "why?" "i need you Ron ad hermione to come over asap, nothing bad i just really want to show you something" "okay" Ginny answered slowly "come through the floo in my study please got to go bye" and with that harry went back into the living room where lilly was sitting leaning on James and Sirius was sitting on the opposite end of the couch "my friends are coming over i want you to meet them, Sirius you already know them but they think your still dead." "wait friends any of these 'friends' girls?" James says teasingly "yup two of the three are girls actually, but yes my girlfriend is coming over." harry says with a smile "how long have you two been together?" Lilly asks "two months not including before the war, i broke up with her to protect her" and with that a group of three walked into the living room and they were shocked at what they saw. "ginny, hermione, Ron, this is my mum Lilly potter, My dad James Potter and my godfather Sirius" "mum,dad,sirius this is Ginny weasly, hermione Granger and Ron weasly." "Ginny was the first to snap out of the shock and said hi, followed by Ron then Hermione. "which ones your girlfriend?" James asked suddenly with a smirk on his face "Ginny" harry answered, Ginny blushed which made sirius laugh and lilly slapped his arm, which shut him up. Once everything was quiet harry said something "my mum and dad want to know about everything that happened so i was wondering if you all would like to go through a pensive with me, i don't think i could do it again without you. " of course harry" hermione said "if you want me to mate" Ron said "i'll be there" ginny said sitting on harry's knee (harry was sitting in his armchair) okay we start tomorrow morning. Hermione and Ron went back to the burrow, Lilly and James went upstairs to the spare bedroom, Sirius lay down on the couch and Harry and Ginny went upstairs to Harry room and Ginny fell asleep but harry struggled all night and eventually gave up staring at the ceiling until morning came.

word count- 1234

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