The Plan

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While Rick and I were talking someone grabbed me by my wrist; I felt their fingers inching around my wrist and pushed me off my feet. "Ow" I screamed still not knowing who grabbed me.

I didn't see their reaction. I was turned around facing a blue chest which I had to look up to see who it was because I am so dam short.

He had a smile on his face almost like the one Rick had on. It was Bob. He’s rugged dirty brown hair wasn't miscible from far. "What are you doing Bob?" I snapped at him because I was mad from him grabbing me.

He grin at me. Ag what did he want. "Lex, can we go for a walk, I want to ask you something." He asked grabbing my arm again and moving towards the back of the church. I looked over at Rick before my gaze was drawn away, he looked sad.

"Ok, ok no need to grab my arm again." I said hopping he'd listen. He smiled with sorrow and apologized.

 At the back of the church was the playground for the little kids they were kicking soccer balls running around on the grass. There was laugher in the voices and some were chasing each other around.

We sat under a tree, larger enough for two people to lend against to talk and watch the kids play. It was freezing cold with light rain and I forgot my jacket with Rick. Silly me.

I didn't think I was showing that I was cold but clearly I was wrong as Bob smile and wrapped his jacket around me. It traces down my spine sending shivers, the warm feeling I got after putting it on was good. He smiles a lot for a guy.

It got warmer and I wasn't cold anymore. I thanked him and smiled. He tickled me before I could go into deep thoughts, poking me kind of really hard. “Stop it!” I jumped, begged him to stop. He stopped when I said I couldn't breathe and we laughed.

I looked up at him in the eyes and said "so what's up?” He’s smile dropped and he turned serious. "I’ve been thinking and well I want to ask you something" whoa he’s serious. I'm frightened, just a little. Not really. "Okay, I'm listening", I said with a raised eyebrow.

"Well you’re a good friend to me and your opinion matters and I think you could help me."

"Sure how can I help Bob?"

"Lexi, I-I well I have a crush on Kate and I wanted you to help me see if she feels the same way for me? And if she does, help me with a date? You could even come with and bring your own date? Like a double date?” He smile and there was hope in his eyes.

 Aww that’s so cute I think that awesome, but one thing remains it’s a double date? Bob; Kate; myself and who? I couldn't think of anyone and I’m not sure if I really wanted to go on a date, maybe I should think of it as a friend’s hangout with a couple so one person was not a third wheel, who knows, then the thought of Rick flashed in my head.

Oh okay great I got a friend, I don’t think I should tell him it’s a double date though. I’ll see. This is going to be fun. Bob snapped his fingers in of my face and I snapped out of my thoughts. "And?" He asked

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