"Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory."

With a final breath of determination she finished...

"Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me."

I felt her grip tighten around my hands, and with that, so did my core.

"Cora Drakon, you live and you die by the force of the First Order."

I pulled her Lightsaber from inside my cloak, FIRST ORDER was written on the handle.

You could tell she lightened up the second I pulled her saber from my cloak, she sat straighter. I felt the pull immediately on the handle of the contracted Saber, you could tell it hand found its owner.

As I extended the saber she held it', and I said the last words; 

"With this oath you are now one of us, you are now apart of the First Order."

She held the saber in her hands, the blade of it extended, and the red of it reflected on her pale face, lighting her features in a blood red colour.

It dawned on me that she could kill me, right here, right now.

She could take over the ship, with the saber I just handed her.

But she didn't, instead, the beam of the saber retracted, and the heat was replaced with the cold of the room.

She was true to her word, and it would be hard for her to turn on the Order, because the force inside of her would be rejecting her betrayal.

She tucked it away as she looked up at me, knowing that what she just did, secured our trust...for now.

She leaned back in her chair and relaxed, her expression softened.

I shifted in my seat, "Since we are going to be training together, we should know each other, yes?"

She looked down and shrugged.

I'm not much of a conversation starter, but I'm assuming she's worse, so I'll just start?

"How old are you?" She beat me to it.

"I'm twenty-five." I said.
She nodded.

"I am seventeen." She said slowly, as if she was testing it out. Even though she had already told me that.

I had thought she was older, she must be one of the youngest lords to ever exist.
And one of the most powerful.

"Favourite colour?" I asked.

It was almost impossible to notice, but I caught it- the tips of her lips turning up into an almost half-smile.

"Blue." She said. The smile gone in seconds, she gave me a nod to give my answer.
Blue didn't seem like her colour...she seemed more distressed than blue, more like a dark gray.

"Red." I answered simply.

"Oh wait. I know why. Is it because it's the colour of blood from your victims?" She asked. I couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic, but it could go both ways considering it was true.

I nodded and raised the glass on the table, "Exactly."

"Weapon?" She asked.

We both answered at the exact same time, and the exact same thing. "Saber."

She sighed, as if recalling something, and I wished that she could have been less powerful, so I could know what she was thinking.

she had walls built up tight.

"I'm thinking of what everything is going to be like from here." She glanced at me, "if you were wondering."

It's like she read my mind, but she couldn't have, because I didn't let her?

I scrunched my nose but guess my face must have been readable.

"Tomorrow we are going to train. I'm going to see how you fight, and see where we can go from there."

She tiled her head in a mock, "You already know how I fight."

I nodded, and smiled at that incredibly recent memory, "Yes, weak, and if I recall...you lost?"

"I was tired." She seethed, "and the wound in my stomach didn't exactly help."

"It wasn't supposed to help." I taunted.

She sighed, "So training, and what else?"

"Our new mission. As a team, me and you are going to track down Luke Skywalker." I grinned, "We are going to find Luke Skywalker, and you're going to help me."

The New Age: Kylo Ren Star WarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon