Brett - Chapter 2

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Alisia is staring at me terrified. It can't be a coincidence. When I sit next to her I felt her power. I find myself thinking when it all happened to me 3 years ago. When I started to hear voices in my head and at night I woke up in different places without remembering a thing. I spent several months to psychologists and psychiatrists, who had never seen anything like that and used to fill me with drugs. Then I met Maya, a girl with blond hair and determined eyes. She found me casually, when I got out of my house to breath fresh air, but then I found myself crying on a cold floor in a smelly alley. I thought I had a rare desease and that I was fucked. I thought I was crazy. But Maya sit in front of me and told me sweet things and explained everything. "I can explain" I whisper to Alisia, who sits with the head in her hands. I grab her wrist and caress her arm. "What are you doing..." "You and I, we're the same" She looks at me weirded out. "Are you out of your mind? We've met like 5 minutes ago. And please don't touch me..." Her skepticism makes me smile and I say: "You're different, Alisia. You heard voices in your head, didn't you? This is just the beginning. We're Tomorrow People" Now Alisia looks scared. She suddenly stands up and steps back. Luckily there's no one around. "Look, I... Ehm, thanks for the company, but I definitely feel better now, I... I'd better get back to class..." I look at her confused: is she really going to ignore what I said? You don't trust me? I tell her telepathically and she opens her eyes wide. "How the hell did you do that? Okay, now I really have to go back to class" And she goes towards the door, while I try to approach her. "Alisia, wait.." "Stay away from me!" And she enters. I lean against the wall and smile. It's going to be harder than I thought. Since I don't want to go back to class, I get lost in my thoughts, that lead me to Maya again. She saved me when I though I lost my mind. She accepted me in a little group of Tomorrow People, in a refuge underground. She educated me, she told me things I couldn't even imagine. She made me strong, almost invincible. I will never forget that morning: we were looking for supplies. I will never forget the Ultra agent's eyes, full of hatred. I will never forget the hole in Maya's chest. All that blood. Her heavy breath, her glassy eyes. Her last words. Her I love you said through tears. "Lead them and find them" she had said. And that's what I've been doing for 3 years. And what I'll do until the end of my days. And now I decide that I'll take care of Alisia, like Maya took care of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2016 ⏰

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