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Favorite Team

This is really hard to decide, because I've never really thought about it before. I really like Aoba Jousai's uniform colors, but to choose a team as a whole for my favorite?
I guess I'd have to say either Karasuno or Nekoma. I like Nekoma because 1. Cats. 2. Kenma. 3. I really like the way they were introduced. From the moment they were mentioned I was curious. All of the alley cat representation and stuff, and the crows against the cats...something about that was just
But! I also really like Karasuno. Since they are the main focus of the anime, they get a lot of development and I get attached to the characters. And it was really cool to see how quickly and surely they regained their title. They went from being a legend to being the fallen crows, and then back to something crowds whisper about. That was really awesome.
So, once again, I can't really pick a single favorite. To be honest, I think every entry for this challenge will turn out like this -3-"

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