chapter one

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October 31st 1981
It was a peaceful halloween in the small village of Godric's Hollow, children of all ages ran around giggling and trick or treating.
A man dress in a hooded black cape was walking through the village, he had a look of disgust upon his face while he watched all the children running around.
"Filthy muggle's." He thought to himself, "Not long now until the only thing that is standing in my way of having total power is destroyed."

He stopped walking having reached the end of street he was walking down, stood before him was a small cottage. He peered inside the window observing the family inside.
A man with jet black hair and glasses was seated on the lounge entertaining a small baby boy by creating colourful smoke from his wand. A woman with red hair walked in and picked the child up, passing him to the man who then kissed the boy on top of his head and gave him back to the woman, she then lent down to kiss the man with glass as well before turing around and leaving the room.
throwing his wand on the lounge he lent back and closed his eyes a peaceful content smile growing on his face.
The man outside smirked to himself "They have no idea whats coming."

He walked over to the gate that led to the house he pushed it open, it squeaked as it was pushed. As he approached the door he could hear the man shouting to the woman, he took out his wand and blasted open the door beginning his attack on the family.

"Lily it's him take Harry and run i'll hold him off,"screamed the man in the glasses.
"Avada Kedvarda "a green light burst from the wand, the man ducked and spell missed him by inches. He then threw himself at the intruder but the intruder was quicker and wordlessly threw James across the room into a glass cabinet knocking him unconscious.

The intruder walked over to James unconscious body, he took one quick glance at his body and concluded that the force of throwing him to glass cabinet had killed the man. All though just to be sure, he raised his wand preparing to cast the killing curse again when he heard a door slamming, Smirking to himself he turned around and began to climb the stirs to where he knew the mudblood and the child would be trying to hide from him.

Lily quickly cast a silencing and a double Disillusionment charm on Harry so he was effectively invisible and his cries could not be heard, she placed Harry in his cot and turned around and waited with her wand pointing to the door, which she was thanking Merlin that Harry had picked up as she was walking up the stairs before James had yelled out for her to run. It wasn't long before the door to Harry' nursery was blown open. Lily quickly spun around to try and protect Harry from as much as the blast as possible.

"Stand aside silly girl".
"NEVER"screamed Lily turing around throwing her arms out to shield her son from the man she knew was trying to  murder him. The man began to cackle at her "hahahaha you dare to try and defy the most powerful wizard of all time Lord Voldemort, now stand aside stupid girl or I will kill you." Lily looked him straight in the eye and said "NO, i will never stand aside."
Voldemort raised his wand and screamed "Avada Kedavara "

Suddenly there was a popping noise, Severus Snape had appeared in front of Lily and the moment he did time for a moment was frozen except for Lily and Severus.
"Severus how are you here?" asked Lily. "There is no time to explain I only have a few minutes before time starts again but the note in my pocket will explain everything show it Dumbledore. Grabbing Lily by the shoulders he looked deep into her emerald green eyes and said."Just know, I love you Lily Evans with all my heart and I'm doing this because I love you and your son.
Before Lily had time to answer Severus pushed her out of the way with enough force to knock her out. Severus turned around so he was facing Voldemort, he closed his eyes smiled and said his final words "Always, Lily."
Time started again and he was was hit with the killing curse instead off Lily.

Voldemort was surprised to see Severus dead body in place of Potters but when he also saw her crumpled body on the floor he assumed they had both been hit by the same killing curse. Kicking Severus body out the way while thinking to himself "what a waste".
He walked towards the cot where he knew the stupid girl had tried to hide the boy, he looked into the cot and laughed to himself "Did the mudblood really believe she could fool him with a simple Disillusionment charm?" "How wrong she was."
He quickly removed the spell and made the boy visible again but he left the silencing charm on him though as he couldn't stand the sound of crying children.
The boy sat before him silently crying as he stared up the masked figure realising it was neither his mother or father under the hood.

"So this is the child who is suppose to be my downfall, how can an ordinary baby with no special powers be powerful enough to vanquish me, Lord Voldemort ?" He asked the crying child.
"Never the matter because now I'm able to kill you before we can find out." He raised his wand "Avada Kedavra " a green light shot out but just as the spell touches him it quickly began rebounding off Harry and back to Voldemort killing him.
As the spell takes effect his body disintegrates, leaving behind only his cloak and wand. The remaining piece his of soul floated around the room no longer having a body to reside in before attaching it to the only person still conscious in the room Harry.

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