Abandoned and Alone

Start from the beginning

     Malice sibilated as he deprecated his daughter,"You took forever! I'm surprise I'm not 1,000 moons by now! At least you brought back some prey. Not that you'll be able to have it, after this behavior! Shame on you, Hawk," Malice whipped around with hostility, stomping towards Sugar," And shame on you too! You said she'd be back. You lied. And Hawk was selfish by spending a bunch of time with herself and not her family. As your punishment, Sugar you shall only be able to have half a piece of prey. Hawk shall have none. Now go. Leave my presence! I must spend some time alone!" Malice sprinted away to spend some time by himself in the forest. Abruptly, before he completely left, he turned. "Hawk," Malice spat with all of the venom in his soul that he could muster,"You, Hawk, are a disgrace. I thought it was bad enough to have kits from the moment I found out Sweetie was going to have them. Spice was the only good kit out of you dirty scraps of fur! And at least Sugar can obey sometimes. But you, Hawk, are nothing special. You are nothing but a bane. A cause of misery. I shall never truly call you my daughter. I hate you. You're dead to me."  I hate you. You're dead to me... I hate you. You're dead to me... Those words pounded and rang in Hawk's head uncontrollably. He hates me...

     "MALICE!" Sweetie yowled with rage,"How could you say that! What kind of father are you!" Hawk's mother gasped, here eyes overflowing with hurt and disdain. It was too late. Malice already ran away. Sweetie turned to Hawk and Sugar,"I'm sure he didn't mean that... I'm sure of it..." Clearly, Sweetie tried to suppress her doubt, but it wasn't working.

     "Don't tell me that he didn't mean it. It's obvious he did. He's always hated me. Even before my first breath, there was nothing but hatred. Just leave me alone!"  Hawk whipped around with a lash of her tail as she padded to the edge of the clearing to sit alone. Sweetie and Sugar both sighed as they went to their dens.  

                    ~~~~~Time Skip Brought To You Hawk Being High On Catmint~~~~~

     Hawk's eyelids slowly started to close as moon-high became closer and closer. 

     Suddenly, Hawk heard a horrendous, agony filled shriek.  Instantly, she knew who it was. She was about to yell to her family to get up, then she stopped , hesitantly. Remembering Starclan she sighed, knowing she wanted to go there, and that it would be mean to ignore the cry.  

     Sighing, Hawk yowled at the top of her lungs,"Sugar! Mother! Hurry!" Hawk sprinted, rapidly explaining whats he heard to her family. They gasped, following her in the direction of the noise. Hawk rapidly propelled herself forward with all of the strength in her young legs. The wind gusted heavily at her face so she narrowed her ears and eyes as she bounded over a log. Sugar and Sweetie lagged behind her, but only slightly; maybe because Malice had given them more prey than her? Their bellies had gotten rather plump. Hawk smirked marginally as she glanced back. Then her mind quickly flitted back toward Malice as she heard yet another screech. Hawk then pummeled her legs even faster, as if she was swooping and flying through the underbrush like an actual hawk. Suddenly, Sweetie, Sugar, and Hawk burst through a thicket of ferns, skidding on their paws and sending soil flying.  She couldn't believe what she saw. 

     One... Two... Three canines circling around her father!  Her father was covered in blood and mangled, but still persistently on his paws. One dog was a Samoyed male with fluffy, white hair and blue eyes. She couldn't really tell, but it almost seemed like he was hesitant to fight. The other had blood stained on his teeth and he was a Pitbull/Rottweiler with the colors of a Rottweiler but the shape of a Pitbull. Yet, what really made her legs shudder, was a Wolf/German Shepherd mix. His sleek, black pelt was dripping with blood that seemed to be mostly from Malice. His claws were jagged and lethal and his yellow teeth protruded grotesquely from his mouth. The canine emitted and earth-shaking growl that practically made Hawk jump out of her pelt. His yellow eyes gleamed with hatred as he howled and looked towards his dog companions in a battle cry. When Hawk was about to lunge, suddenly she locked gazes with Malice. Despite what Hawk had done to try and save him, his eyes still kindled with his everlasting despisement.  Flattening his ears, he mouthed words that would haunt Hawk for the rest of her life: 

     "Remember, Hawk, I hate you... You're dead to me."  And with that, Malice lunged off, sprinting away in the distance. He's gone... Hawk realized with loneliness. He's truly gone... "Remember, Hawk, I hate you... You're dead to me."  Hawk thought before some paws slammed on her temple, knocking her out and making her world pitch black. 

                                         ~~~~~Time Skip Brought To You By Hawk Farting~~~~~ 


     What's going on...

     Where am I... 

      Hawk opened her eyes then closed them, wincing in pain. My head feels horrible... Wait... What was that? Hawk realized she saw something that would change her life forever when she opened then closed her eyes. She fluttered open her eyes, only to screech with all of the power in her lungs. 


                    Hehehe! I love cliffhangers ^_^! Comment below what you think about what happened, or guess if you think you know. I hope you liked this chapter :3! I'll try to update more, I've just had a lot of tests/exams in school. Thanks for reading, everyone :D! 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2016 ⏰

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