Since the guard knows I have a wound, he lightly pushes me into my cell. He locks up my cell and walks away. I look at another guard who's staring at me. He eyes me up and down and smirks. I glare at him and walk to the back of my cell. I see that Li's asleep and Gallagher's smiling at me behind the bars. I smile back and walk over to him. I sit down beside the bars and rest my head on them. I feel a soft kiss planted on my left cheek and turn my head to Gallagher.
"How was it?" He whispers.
"I wasted my time with them. They said I wasn't responsible and that I was a disappointment, again." I sigh.
"I'm sorry. I'll always be here for you, you know that?" He asks, taking my hand in his.
"Of course I do. And I'll always be here for you, too." I say, smiling at him. He uses his free hand to caress my cheek and I lean into it. He leans in closer to me and kisses me through the bars. I immediately kiss back and his hand travels to the back of my neck, slightly pulling me closer to him and deepening the kiss. We break apart and breath deeply, leaning our foreheads against each other.
"I can't wait to hold you in my arms again." He says, squeezing my hand.
"I can't wait either." I reply. All of a sudden, a loud crash is heard and the entire dungeon shakes. Gallagher and I separate on impact and fall to the floor. I quickly look at Li and see that she's now awake and looking up at the ceiling, terrified. I look up as well to see the ceiling about to collapse. Perfect. I rush up to my cell door and grab the guard next to my cell. I pull him towards me and glare at him.
"What's happening?!" I ask loudly.
"I-I don't know, Princess." He says quietly as a few pieces of the ceiling fall on my head.
"Well, get us out of here! Now!" I shout and he nods his head while shakily unlocking my cell door. I open the door as he starts unlocking everyone else's. There isn't much crime here, so the only people in the dungeon are Li, my friends, Gallagher, and I. We all rush outside of the dungeon and wait for our eyes to adjust. I take hold of Li's hand and Gallagher grabs mine. We all run outside of the castle. To our left, we see our dragons. We run to them and they do the same.
"Storm!" I shout, hugging his neck.
"Adira! My Gods. You're okay!" He shouts, nuzzling my neck.
"Get on." He says seriously. I quickly get in his saddle and watch as the others get in theirs.
"Ready everyone?" I ask and they nod. We fly into the air and I immediately feel free again. I missed flying so much.
"I know, Adira. I missed it, too." I hear Storm say. I smile and pet his neck.
"Adira! There!" I hear Skyrah yell and see her point to some ships boarding the island. We fly closer to the docks and see an unfamiliar tribe attacking us. I look back at the castle and see that a canon ball was thrown at it.
"Adira! My love!" I hear a sarcastic but familiar voice. Leo. Storm starts to growl and I watch Leo fly towards us.
"You. You did this." I accuse and he chuckles.
"You're right. This is my work, but not just mine." He says, pointing towards someone who's fighting my father. My father trips over a rock, but regains his balance.
"Meet Raamah, my ruler. You might wanna say goodbye to your father. He could die soon." Leo says, smirking.
"Leave her alone, Leo!" Gallagher shouts from beside me.
"Ah, Gallagher! Now, please tell me, why should I? She is mine, after all." Leo provokes.
"Shut it, Leo. Adira isn't a piece of property. Besides, she's my girlfriend." Gallagher defends and I smile at him. He smiles back and Leo gags.
"Love makes me sick. Whatever, I gotta go burn down some buildings. See ya!" Leo shouts, flying into town. I'm about to follow him when I see my dad pushed to the ground with a sword held to his throat. As much as I hate him right now I have to do this.
"Storm. Single blast." I say and he shoots a single blast of hot water at Raamah. It makes Raamah fly about 20 yards away and my father looks up at me. I blankly look at him and pat Storm's neck. We start following Leo into town as Lightning starts shooting water at the houses. Storm shoots two blasts at Lightning and Leo turns his head to look at us. They fly past us, knocking me off of Storm.
"Ahh! Storm!" I shout and Storm dives towards me. He catches me and unfolds his wings to halt before hitting the ground. I look up at Leo who's laughing at me. For a moment, I see the Leo I knew before this whole thing started. The Leo who was my friend and was always there for me. He couldn't have felt absolutely nothing, could he? I mean, he was my friend for so long.
"He had to feel something. I would've been able to feel the mistrust in him." Storm explains.
"Then let's make him worry about me." I say. Storm flies towards them and we halt right in front of them. I see a flash of concern in Leo's eyes and pat Storm's neck. Storm starts flying past him and towards other enemy dragons. We fly towards an earth dragon and it sees us. It shoots a boulder at us before we even get to it. Storm looks at me before it hits us and I nod. Storm puts his claws out and catches the boulder before it hits us, but makes it look like we're falling anyways.
"Adira!" I hear Leo shout as I fall off of Storm. I see Leo flying towards me, but doesn't make it in time for me to fall into the lake that we flew next to on purpose.
"Good job, Storm. You okay?" I ask him as I continue to hold my breath.
"Yeah. Are you?" He asks as Leo and Lightning dive into the water and I quickly close my eyes.
"Yep. Leo just dove into the water." I confirm as I feel arms wrap around my waist and my body being lifted.
"Good. Our plan worked then?" He asks.
"Let's find out." I say. I feel the water surround me disappear and be replaced by air. I breath in again, my eyes still closed.
"Adira! Please be okay..." Leo trails off. I quickly open my eyes to see his concerned expression.
"I knew you still cared." I say punching him, making us fall off of Lightning. Storm flies towards me and catches me. Leo falls onto the ground, passing out. One down. About a hundred to go.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll try to post another tomorrow! See ya then!

The Falling RiderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora