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Danielle pov: Lately I have been not the same I have been drinking to much and doing a lot of things that este won't approve. I have been trying to stay away from them so they won't know about my drinking problem but lately este have been on my case she been texting and calling me like crazy asking me if I am oh k but I know I am not oh ok and need help.
Alanna pov:I know something might be wrong with my sister she doesn't want tell us she been more quite then ever she staying her apartment all the time I fill like she hiding something from me and este that she doesn't want to tell us about.
Este pov: I am at Danielle front door apartment. I knocked on her door no answer so I knock again no I called her but know answer then I remember that I have Danielle extra key. when opened the door she was asleep with a empty bottle of vodka in her hand."WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU DANIELLE ".

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