Chapter 1: Bewildering Betrayal

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Last time on the "Shockingly Stalking Adventures of 806!"...

806 had turned Ale into a dragon by "accident" so he claims. Once Cupcake and Banette figure out the antidote, they waste no time giving it to her. Slendy is very suspicious about the entire thing because he STILL doesn't know. After the whole thing happened,
Slendy decides to randomly call a dinner at Ale's house. Once she gets back from Sugar Cube corner, she realizes what a rock and a hard spot Slendy put her in. She invites Pinkie and her ex, Foxy (FNAF) to dinner as well. Things were going great until Toby spoke.
And I mean, all he did was say two words when Foxy recognized him as a "night guard" and attacked him. Once everything was cooled down, Ale and Foxy decided to make up for lost times.
Once again, Slendy drops in unexpected and tells Ale her "Pet demon" as he puts it, needs to go back to the Underwrelm. How will Ale tell Cupcake without breaking her heart?

Cupcake: Hahahahhahah! That's funny. Now what did he really say?

*Everybody stares at Cupcake, giving her the feeling that's what he said*

Ale: That's just it. He wants you to leave this house. He's giving you a week.

Cupcake:........  B-but... I can't go anywhere else! This is my home! You guys are my family, ......apart from Foxy because I barely know him and just because he takes us home doesn't mean I like him.


Ale: It appears he can, poison ears.

806: There HAS to be another way! Maybe talk to him!You're good at convincing people!

Ale: I.... tried.  He didn't want to hear it. He's made his position clear,806. She leaves before the week is up, or he has the proxies kill her. Take your pick. 

Cupcake: *pushes 806* You LIED to me!! You said I would be safe with these humans!! *backs away*

806: .... Yes, I did say that. But you of all things should know that good things never last.

Cupcake: *turns into wolf* You're ALL LIARS!!

Rainstorm: Now, we can't just assume that, can we?

Cupcake: Who's side are you on?!

Rainstorm: Apparently yours. *growls at Foxy*

Foxy: Uh.... lassie? What ye be doing? I'm an animatronic.

Rainstorm: *stands up on her hind legs and roars in Foxy's face*

Foxy: So be it! *screeches*  

Ale: STOP IT!! ALL OF YOU! Cupcake, I'm doing this to save your life! Stay if you what but don't expect me to save you when they come down here!

806: HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?!  Don't you love her? She's helped you and she loves you. You can't just turn her over like that!

Ale: I don't exactly have a choice, now do I?

Foxy: But I do. Lassie, I want to make ye a deal. I take in ye little kitty cat, so she can be safe with me in Pirates Cove. But on one condition....

Ale: Go on....*squints at him*

Foxy: Promise me we'll always be the best of friends, no matter what happens.

Ale: I promise. *hugs Foxy*
Does that sound like a plan, Cupcake?

Cupcake: *transforms into her original demon form*
Sure. I guess so.....

Ale: Then go pack up. He'll take you with him tonight.

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