[ 19 ] Double-crossed Part Two

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"Word around is that you're transferring school. . .so when do you get to finally leave?" were the exact words that came out of Dean's mouth when he actually had the guts to confront me at school one day.

During the course of the last week before my departure, our arguments happened infrequently — and every time we crossed each other's path, I opted for the usual tactic which was to ignore his existence. He seemed to have an issue with the arrangement because in the sick twisted mind of his; he wasn't going to let me live in peace. Dean always had to have his way, one way or another.

Once I chose to disregard him again in that moment, that was the final straw.

He pulled me to the side and he wouldn't let me go until I answered him. The look of derision he'd often throw me was now replaced by a glower.

"This time I'll make you talk willingly." he stated darkly.

At that point, my hatred for him just kept building up like a tornado and I would have done anything to skin him alive — if that were an option.

I told him to let me go but he refused. He cornered me and it felt like I was being held hostage.

Why the hell did he want to know when I'd be leaving?

He had succeeded in making my life a living hell and his actions towards me, screamed hatred. If anything, the news of my departure should have sparked a gleam of satisfaction.

"When are you leaving?" he questioned for the umpteenth time.

I threw him a murderous glare as I attempted to pull away from his grip, but to no avail. "What difference does it make if I told you?"

His eyes scrutinized me before he encircled an arm around my waist. "Just tell me."

My lungs constricted as I froze right then and there. There wasn't a glint of hostility in his voice. It sounded more like he was imploring me to answer his question.

He wasn't going to let me go and so I did the one thing that I could think of.

My fist viciously contacted his face.

He released a yelp before he proceeded to relinquish me. I was surrounded and could not form a coherent thought — so the only way I could get him to set me free was to do what I just did.

During the aftermath, he shot me a glare and said to me, "When you leave, make sure you never come back and from here on out, you're banished from Roosevelt High."

My reaction was plain disbelief. "What period are we in, the Middle Ages? Last time I checked, you don't hold the title of a king who orders his peasants around, so kindly get the fuck out of my face."

Dean had the audacity to tell me that I was banished from the school I attended? The idiot was full of surprises.

"I meant what I said, never show your face here again." That was the last thing he said to me before he withdrew from my presence.

➴ ➵ ➴ ➵ ➴ ➵

Present Day

Feeling a light poke on my arm, I swiftly wake up to see a small sheet of paper slip into my line of vision.

Enraged, I shoot a lethal glare at the person who dares to interrupt my sleep.

Noel who's sat next to me, playfully gestures to the item on my desk. He chose to occupy the empty seat on my left in the beginning of history class. Throughout the period, he's repeatedly tried to poke me with his pencil and tug my hair every time the teacher proceeded to face the board. The session has been uneventful thus far, with the way Mr. Haywood is discoursing at great length, World War I and how the United States declared a war on the German Empire.

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