I made my way over to my parents, being able to easily spot them in the crowd by the white blond hair that all Malfoys have.

Draco was already standing with them when I got there, and I saw that Alan and Christine were there as well.

I suppose they would be staying with us for a few weeks again like last summer.

We flooed back to the manor and Draco and I went up to our rooms to unpack and change for dinner.

It felt a bit strange, getting dressed up for dinner. I never had growing up, and at Hogwarts you just wore your school robes. It was nice though, I was glad to be able to use all the beautiful clothes my mother had bought for me.

After I finished unpacking, I took a quick shower, since there was still plenty of time before dinner. Once I was done, I picked out a flowy dark grey dress that went down to a bit above my knees, and had short cap sleeves. I slipped it on and called for one of the house elves to help me with my hair.

She gladly obliged, and dried my hair with a snap of her fingers, before plaiting it beautifully.

I looked at it in the mirror and smiled.

"Thank you..." I trailed off, not know what her name was.

"Minney, miss," she answered quickly.

"Well, thank you Minney, it's lovely."

She smiled widely, and nodded once, before apparating away again.

I slipped on a pair of black flats and went downstairs for dinner.

When I got to the dining room, I found that I was the last one there.

"Sorry, I lost track of time," I said as I sat down next to Draco. Lucius was at the head of the table, Narcissa on his right, and Christine and Alan on the other side of Narcissa.

Draco and I sat on the other side, facing them.

"It's alright dear, we only got here ourselves a few minutes ago," Narcissa said smiling.

The house elves brought out the food and we all started eating and talking.

"So how was your school year?" Narcissa asked.

I hadn't been part of the conversation up until now, so I didn't realize she was talking to Draco and I until he answered.

"Boring, as usual," he said, with a sigh.

"And you Regina? How was your school year, anything exciting happen?"

I shot a glance at Draco, praying that he wouldn't say anything.

It didn't look like he was going to, so I answered.

"No, nothing really exciting happened. Just a normal school year."

Narcissa nodded with a smile, then went back to talking to the other adults.

After a while I wasn't hungry anymore, and started pushing my food around on my plate.

Draco looked over at me and asked if I was finished.

I nodded and we both excused ourselves, going upstairs to our rooms.

Draco Malfoy's Sister 2Where stories live. Discover now