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Hayes and I decided to go Christmas shopping before Nash got here since his flight got delayed in California. We finally found a gift for Skylynn and we still have to find something for Will and Nash. Since Will is a football player at Florida State University, I thought about getting him something related to football. I haven't seen Will for so long, I really don't know what he likes so I don't know what to get him. Hayes usually has pretty good ideas on gifts for others so I might have him help me come up with something. I walked along the store aisle by the CDs and Movies and decided to stop and look at the movies. I finally found a bunch of football movies. I picked up Facing the Giants and read the review about it on the back.

"Hayes, come here please." I said walking towards him.

"What's wrong sis?" he asked looking at me

"How about getting a football movie for Will?"

"I think he would like that. Considering the fact he is a football player at Florida State." Hayes said looking at me.

I have something for Will and Skylynn so far and I need to find something for Hayes, Nash, mom and dad now. I have a pretty good idea what to get for mom. I plan on getting her a book since she loves reading. Nash, dad and Hayes are a totally different story though. All three of them are hard to buy for so I have no idea where to start on a Christmas gift for them. I'll most likely just let Hayes pick out something that he wants and i'll buy it for him.

"Hayes, what do you want for Christmas? I have no clue what to even get you."

"I don't really want anything for Christmas. I already have the best gift anyone could I ask for. I have a beautiful twin sister. I don't care if I have any gifts as long as I have you sis." Hayes said with a smile

"I still feel the need to get you something. Do you want a CD or something small like that? I want to buy you something, Hayes."

"Fine, how about a Nickelback CD?" he said looking at me

I walked over the the CDs dragging Hayes along with me. I heard a young male voice behind me and Hayes and I turned around at the same time. It startled us both and I thought Hayes was going to jump in my arms. We neither one recognised the teenage boy walking at us.

"Hey guys. Is your older brother Nash Grier?" the teenage boy asked

"Um... uh... yeah it is. Why?" Hayes said backing into me

"I'm his friend, Cameron Dallas, your Will and Skylynn right?" Cameron asked

"No, I'm Hayes and this is my twin Rebecca. Will is 23 and Skylynn is 9. Rebecca and I are both 18." Hayes said quietly

"Oh, sorry about that guys. I didn't know for sure. I just noticed that you both looked a lot like Nash and he's been telling us about his four siblings. Two from North Carolina, one from Florida, and then one from California. Are you guys the ones from North Carolina?" Cameron asked starting conversation with both of us

"Yeah... Wha... What do you want from us. We are only 18, I'm just protecting my sister." said Hayes backing into the clothes racks

"I don't want anything from you guys. Gosh calm down a bit." Cameron said walking closer

"So where you from Cameron?" I asked quietly grabbing Hayes' arm to pull him up

"I'm from Chino Hills, California. You guys from Raleigh?" asked Cameron quietly

"No, we are from Greensboro." said Hayes

"Awesome, getting ready for the holidays i see." said Cameron

"Yeah sure are. Nash will be here in a few hours from Los Angeles."

It scared me quite a bit, when Cameron came up behind us. I had no clue who the guy was at first and I thought Hayes was going to have a conniption fit. I wanted to run and hide but I learned from Nash and Will that you can't run from scary obstacles no matter how much they scare you. When he asked if I was Skylynn, I wanted to look at him and be like, "Dude do I look like i'm a 9 year old?" I sure don't look like a 9 year old and Hayes doesn't look like a 23 year old really and plus, I don't have long blonde hair like Skylynn. I have Hayes and Nash's dark brown hair and Will's light brown eyes.

I really have to admit, Cameron is really kinda cute, but probably way out of my league. I seen the way he looked at me and it felt magical but I don't think Hayes liked the way Cameron looked at his twin sister. 

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