Chapter Two

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Mercy's Pov
My name is Mercy. I'm fourteen years old. No, I'm not popular, I'm not a cheerleader, I'm not a nerd, etc. And I am definitely not perfect... I grew up in a small town, where many people hated each other and if you were walking alone along the streets you would get jumped. I lived there for ten years. My mom was a nurse at a local hospital and my "dad" stayed home. He's not actually my dad, just an jerk my mom married after they had one of my three sisters. I didn't have a lot of friends and I always got into trouble because of fighting. So, my family and I decided to move somewhere else. We went to a bigger town that was much friendlier than the other. I was transferred to a new school. There I met three girls whom are now my best friends. The first one I met was Christina. I knew her even before I came to that school. My family is good friends with hers, so I already had a friend. Then Faye, she didn't really like me from the start. Soon after I met Mary. She was sort of like me. Unpopular, shy, careless, and understood the world like it was a book. Anyway, I started talking to these girls and soon enough I ended up in a group. I was finally normal! So we kept talking and talking and I realized that they were all exactly like me!! Except Mary. She was always the different one. There was some type of mystery about her and I planned on finding out what it is because it may be the same as mine....

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