Chapter 2

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"Kella! Why are you so wet?" My mom yells from the couch.

"I got bored and went for a swim." I lied.

She would kill me if she knew i was roaming in wolfform in the day. In my defense i thought that little shack was unoccupied and my curiousity got the best of me. Stupid stupid kella! I was taught not to ever shift alone, and not to ever be seen or caught in wolf form.

"Ok?..... well im just happy i know where you are now. You know your brother didnt hurt you on purpose right?."

"Yes mom. I was just angry and took off. I wasnt thinking. He just is so competitive. Sometimes he dosnt think about who hes playing with."

"I know honey. I had a talk with him. He really is sorry." She sympathetically says.

"Well goodnight mom i am worn out after that long swim."

"i bet. goodnight sweetie."

If only she knew. She would not be calling me sweetie thats for sure.


Today is a new day with a new client. Our family has its own cleaning business. We are one of the best. Alof of times we are called into the next towns over. Were paid well so its always worth the drive. CLEAN FREAKS. Thats our buisness name. Its very true too. My mother wouldnt have it anyway else. I guess she just rubbed off on the pack especially considering shes luna. My father has always been like my mother, needing perfection. Their both so ocd the pack cant even come over to the pack house (our house) without being fresh and clean. It all means well. We are looked at as discussting, foul, filthy freaks of nature by the hunters, and we represent nothing but cleansliness. We prove to not them but ourselves and eachother that we are more than just "mutts" and we deserve respect as well. So today myself and my packsister sarah will be cleaning an empty house so a new family can move in. Im actually excited but at the same time nervous. Theres a nice amount of people in this town but its always the same people. Its refreshing to meet new people from time to time.

As i pull up and get out i wait for sarah she arrives and we set off to work. About 4 in a half hours later and were both finally done.

"Phewww" she says.

"Yea no kidding. I didnt relise this place was so big."

"Yea good for hiding bodies"sarah says

"Haha. Very funny. It is quite beautiful though"


" alright sarah. You can head on home. I actually forgot i had to do one last thing."

" Alright well text me later i wont be doing anything." She says.

" Ok willdo."

I wave goodbye. I get the broom and a bucket and fill it up with soapy water. I head to the back porch and start sweeping. I wanted it to be shiny. I get it from my mother. As im sweeping i hear the backdoor open.

"Sarah i thought you lef-"

Then i seen a man. I didnt think i just acted.


"Ugghhhh" the man groans.

" who the fuck are you and what do you want? I will hit you with this broom again!"

" Are you fucking crazy? I live here!"
"You live here?" Relixation dawned on me.

" oh my gosh! Your the new owner?"

He finally takes his hands off his head and starts to stand up.
I think my heart just stopped. He is the best looking man ive ever seen. His short brown hair laid so perfectly. His bright green eyes and those full lips. Oh my. Did i just die and go to heaven? Ha! Im so cheesy.

" Who else would have a key?" He asks sarcastically.

"Im so sorry! My coworker just left and I didnt expect anyone, so i just freaked out."

" Yea, well you got one hell of a swing. I think im gonna bruise, if not already." He says.

I take a look closer and sure enough his whole cheek is red and purple and blue. Oops!

"Im really sorry" i really did mean it.

" Dont worry about it. Ive had worse. But you can make it up by telling me your name?" He smiles.

I think im going to have a heart attack my heart is racing so fast.

"Kella" i say rather nervously. " I should really just finish and head on my way"

" Yea i have some things to do too. Well at least i now know one person in this town. Catch you later,Kella.
" and the way he said it sounded sounded something like a promise.

" Yea, later." I say.

And hes gone. An angel sent from above and hes gone. I finish my work and head back home. Why is it i cant get that one little smile outta my mind? And how did he slip past without giving me his name? Ugh! Well its not like ill see him again anytime soon so no point in dwelling on it. Why does that make me kinda sad? Oh yea, because he was the best looking MAN ive ever seen. If his good ass looking smile can make my heart race and me lose my concentration, what is he really capable of? Oh boy.

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