dirty rich beautiful

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Consumed, tired, and dirty ...

Thats the feeling of Lucas right now.
From doing the deed of his playful and sexy vixen of a secretary. Still he did it with her. How cant he, the woman is wearing a satin sheer red pull over with a salmon creme cardigan, and those red killer stilletos. The woman is asking for it. With the cup C of well pointed breasts ,his mouth was watering from the sight of her cleavage. He had to do what he had to do.

Seduction is not a problem to Lucas...
Everyone on the perimeter of his surroundings will totally go gaga for him. who wouldnt?
The man is sex in suit. Talk about armani and marc jacobs suit that is.
And his title?
His only just the owner and the Chief Executive Officer of the most outstanding and renowned brand for man's wear ,the Hung and Brawl. Not just in the metro but through all over the world.
Dont forget his physique, his God like posture, the bulging biceps, pecks, and triceps, the humongous tree trunk of legs and the six pack abs, youll definitely lick your lips...
And those soulful and captivating cotton baby blue eyes, the square and manly face ,his pointed and large nose ,those red and big lucious lips ,and the perfect white set of teeth, you surely drop your mouth open with saliva dripping...
He is a Sex god. And he knows his effect on women. He can stare at you and you will be tranfixed and be dazed with it. With one wink, panties will zap and fall down in his spot. How much more if he will talk... lets not talk about it...you will definitely fall face first...

But sex is just sex for him, no commitment, no pressure, and no second hook ups. Thats his deal.

Now he is in his grand suite of a condo, he is beat but he still hungry for more. What will he do..

Scanning on his phone for a contact of his friends will be a way to do it. Ask them out to go with him at the NEW MARQUEE NYC Club should do the trick, its a friday night. Booze, butts and breasts will be a stress free relieving night for him...

"Hey Colt."


"Its Lucas, call the guys, at the New Marquee at 9pm sharp, you know the drill."

"Hahaha!. Sure bro, cant wait for it."

At this time (5:30pm) is still early.

Time for some nap, and be ready for 7pm...
But before he can go to his humongouzoid bedroom, a POP sound breaks the arwa in his hypothalamus.
How can he forget, he still has to check the last papers on his briefcase.
It was a document about the last months accomplishment report of the whole 4500 corporate design stores in the globe. But his particular to his city, The BIG APPLE, the city of sin and sex, the heart of art, the famous New York City. Lets not forget that his in the Upper East side of it.
His very keen to his company, who wouldnt?.
Hardships, struggles, pain, suffering... theres much more vocabularies that he pedict in his mind right now because of what he has suffered for this company.
How many sleepless night that he has to do only to be rejected on his proposal to local and both national investors for this company.
You know what they say, you have to plant a tree before you can harvest all the fruits in it. And it paid off, look at him now. The glamorous life is just an added bonus, but he is not yet fulfilled, the climax is still not sky rocketing.
Because at the back in his mind, the one person that he wants to be with, is not with him anymore...


With the loud sound of the speaker of his phone, he was brought back to reality, the reality that he wants to erase yet, he dreamed about for so long,

But not alone...

He took his phone on his bed side table, and read the message.

(Yo Lucas! Sam is in. You should get ready for the night bro. This is gonna be the best wildest party ever!)

He cant resist it, he chuckled...
Theres too much to do and get all the ladies line up, and tend to give them the satisfaction that they deserve. Says him in the back of his mind.

Going back to the papers, he notice that there was a red spot on the local mall H&B (Hung and Brawl) store at the outskirts of Bronx, he scans it...

and he was annoyed upon reading the legend of the red dot means...


Upon reading the description, calling one of his three secretaries whose named Emeraude,

"Yes Mr. All Mighty Son, what can i do for you my sweety pie?"

Upon hearing the melodramatic entrance of her voice, his thunder like booming laugh errupted his suite,
He cant help it. The woman is like a mother to her. Making him happy and feel the essence of having a family, even not blood related. Emeraude treats him as her own, working for him for almost a decade, she knows him to well.

Lucas is well reserved and strict persona to his people but when it comes to his friends and his family, he can be his jolly, caring self. And Emy (Emeraude) is an exception to his rule of people .
"You never stop to make me cry into hysterics Emy, but thank you. I needed that. Anyway, at the report thay Mr. Spears-"

He was interrupted...

"I know dear, the local store in Bronx needed a new Assistant Manager. Ive called the Human Resource department regarding this matter. Dont worry sweety, it is all been taken care of."

He smiled, relieved also. "Thanks Emy, what a relief, i just dont want---"

"I know you big baby, its already taken care off, now go to your room, masturbate, and relax. Its friday so its flyday sweety. Go ahead and party. But remember to bring a condom, i dont want you to get infested. Okay?"

"Hahahahaha!. Thanks Ems, its disturbing but okay. Ill take that as a kiss on the cheek."

"Oh you know how much we love you sweety, Momsy and  Popsy adores you so much, now remember----"

Before Emeraude can give her line of regulations and rules for the night. She knows that it will be a party blasting night for him. He stopped her...

"Okay mom, time to go!. Love you!. Kiss Kits for me."
Referring to Emeraude's husband for 35 years and maybe counting... He loves that old hag so much...

Returning again to his collosal grand suite master bedroom, even his king size bed was'nt really inviting in his eyes, he still feels that hollow feeling of being alone. Its been years that he sleeps in his bed, he like to sleep in his pullover couch, it was his bed for over 15 years, and he likes it that way. The feeling of those college days was fun. It was still surreal for him that he is now a filthy rich beast, because he still see his self as a caveman.

Going to his ensuite bathroom, removing all his clothes, he scans his physique on the gigantic mirror in front of him. The cold blooded stare that women keeps on wailing when they see it, his every rough, well moistened and tanned skin and muscles in every right spots and places.all of it from is nothing, everyone says its a gift, but to him, a curse. A curse that driven his past loveone away, the one that got away and forever not to return.

He still has more to do in this night, and one of it is galloping in the popular east side of party central. Gonna have it all, thats what he is thinking right now .and he will be damned if he cant get a piece of meat that he wants devour tonight.

Licking his lips, he smiled ,a cheeky devilish smile. And said,

"Another night, another f#ck."


Okay, so this is my first story.

Really hard to make it. I hope this will a good read for everyone. Enjoy! .
Oh yes ! .see the picture ? .guess who is it .(HINT: he is superman. Lol)

Maraming salamat! .

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