Fallen Diamonds

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Friday night was the best night for all teens in the 1940s. They'd all dress up in their most expensive ballgowns and head over to the ball thrown at the club, Fallen Diamonds. It was Cinderella's dream with a big chandelier and no evil step sisters or evil step mother to worry about. The best part about the night was no other than Splendora Love, who drank until she spoke of crazy things and turned the ball into a big comedic show. "I wanna swing from the chandelier!" She'd cry as she spread her arms open like an air plane. How scandalous! What type of image was she putting on for her family?

This Friday night was no different than any other, yet very different. Every teen gathered in Fallen Diamonds dressed to their best and began to dance the night away.... Well every teen except Splendora. Many of the men reluctantly accepted she wasn't coming and began to just enjoy their night respectively. Suddenly loud claps and some heavily sighs by what seemed to be by girls were heard... Which only meant their Friday night entertainment was here! Splendora solo danced straight to all the attention she received straight to the bar. After a couple of shots her drunken smile appeared and the men got excited as they started to force more and more drinks on her. This Friday night Splendora became drunker than ever and started to jump toward the chandelier and danced like a bird with a broken wing. The women got jealous from their loss of attention and began to leave, but the men didn't care. This was the best thing ever!

After awhile when Splendora began to have her hang over, the men quickly threw her in the ladies restroom next to a toilet and went on to their new chapter. Besides, Saturday is a party night as well.

Splendora dreamed for awhile to only get interrupted by water being thrown in her face. "Keep throwing toilet water on her." A random voice chanted.

"Hopefully she is dead." A different voice sighed.

Splendora slowly raised up and crashed the voice's hopes. "Where am I"?

"This whore didn't even go home! Maybe she was having intercourse in the restroom." The random voices were girls... Angry girls.

"She better not have slept with John." One girl cried.

"She probably slept with everyone." Another girl scowled.

"Don't worry ladies, whoever she slept with flushed her away." Suddenly all the girls laughed.

Splendora stayed still and tried to recall what happened.  Did she get raped? She was secretly a virgin... Well it wasn't a secret but many assumed wrong. But still she couldn't have been raped.... Could she?

"Wake up trash." A girl taunted.

Suddenly she felt herself being lifted from the ground and her faced being slammed on the toilet. She would have fought back but at this point it didn't matter... One moment everyone she knew loved her and the next she was waking up next to a toilet. A piece of scum. 

The restroom out of nowhere turned cold and Splendora hears nothing but bodies falling down. She looks up and sees four dead bodies next to her.... All with three cuts through their necks. "Am I dead too?" Splendora said to herself as she pulled herself up and quickly recovered. Instead of investigating she left the bathroom to only find out she was still in the club and it was barely opening for Saturday night. Her mind quickly shifts from the bodies to the bar. "Those bitches had it coming anyways." 

Splendora began heavily drinking on her own this time and the same drunken thought came to her in a new aura. "I'm swinging on that fucking chandelier!" She ran up to the staircase to the second floor and jumped off of the balcony onto the chandelier. Guests walking in stopped in amazement and screamed for others to come see the insane stunt she was  performing and the crowd formed into a crappy circle around the chandelier. 

"Jump!" A girl screamed, hoping to witness a death in her boring life.

"Yeah, jump!" Another girl chanted.

Now most of the crowd got excited and screamed for Splendora's death. Some even threw bottles up at her, missing in each attempt. The girls felt like their darkest dreams were coming true while the guys had secrets to hide. What happened that Friday night to Splendora Love?

Finally Splendora felt no more love. She took her chances and let go of the chandelier and thrusted her hips to begin swinging. It was the darkest yet most beautiful sight to a young adult's life to watch an epic suicide attempt. The chandelier came crashing down and a black mist appeared. When the black mist disappeared, there was no Splendora..... And a crowd of once excited teens, turned into teens choking and trying to hold on for their life. Club Fallen Diamonds was never the same. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2016 ⏰

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