Mistletoe p.2

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It appears to be quiet when you enter and worries you to some extent, you notice Undyne and Alphys shoes noticing probably forgot to take his off. Well that worried you even more, undyne was known for being loud and paired with papyrus they were even louder. And yet the only noises that could be heard was a slight banging of pots in the kitchen and the static of the T.V.
Maybe they're were having another cooking lesson before the festive party. God, you hoped that was case.
You and Sans exchange nervous glances, knowing that this lack of loud sound was fairly abnormal and proceed to remove your shoes, then you both make your way to the lounge.
Undyne had been hidden behind the couch and leapt out from hiding eyeing a shocked you and increasingly sweating Sans.
Before you could begin to question her outburst as to why you were forbidden to move from the spot, she pointed to something above.
Just hanging from the ceiling was a small bunch of mistletoe.
Oh......ohhhhhhhhh........oh dear.....
You stare wide eyed at the evil festive plant and since Sans had made no sound you cautiously look down to see him looking off to the side with a growing blue blush adorning his cheekbones.
Well undyne couldn't be happier with the situation proclaiming that "you two HAVE to KISS because it's the rules~"
You glare at her and she only smiles make more devilish than before and proceed to shout at her before your interrupted by sans
"L-look, it's uh fine if ya know don't wanna uh k-kiss me or anything, I mean you technically can't cause I have no lips, aha, j-j-just dony feel pressured t-to do it I mean---
You continue to let sans stutter and squeak loving the way he's so easily embarrassed over this. Sans has his head turned away from you, probably to hide his blush. So with all the courage you have, you swiftly move to the front of him kneel down and place a chaste kiss on his teeth.
Needless to say he stopped talking and stuttering and much to your amusement when you pulled away his eyes were trained on you and and his blushing had increased ten fold. It was utterly adorable. He makes a small noise and starts his stuttering once again "y-you.....you kissed.......me?"
He appears blatantly shocked and all his cool guy attitude has melted away to be replaced by a stuttering and embarrassed sans.
You hear undyne wolf whistling and demanding an encore.
Sans still hasn't said a word, and you feel worried you've upset him so naturally you lean and whisper
"Y'know tulips are better than one" you wink at him causing him to stutter out a laugh. You rise from your position and head to the kitchen your blushing starting to catch up big time and leaving a stunned but now grinning sans in the doorway.

Maybe professing your feelings to the skeleton wouldn't be so hard after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2016 ⏰

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