I served myself another coffee and walked to my table to find the girls laughing.

"That was hilarious, you should've seen your face when he left" Layla commented.

"Oh shut up" I rolled my eyes.

**Survivor Series***

"Roman, I'll give you the opportunity to be the number 1 challenger for the WWE World Heavy Weight championship if you join the authority" Triple H said.

We watched the television as this all went down.

"No, I will not be one of your puppets. I will not join you. If I win this it will be fair with heart and effort. I play fair" Roman looked at him angrily. I felt proud for him standing up to Triple H. Why do I feel like this? I shouldn't like him, he is a jerk always molesting me.

"Well, if you want it like that, in this instant the survivor series starts. You'll have to face the biggest WWE superstars all in one night to get your precious title" Triple H said angrily at him and Roman mouthed "bring it on".

The whole event passed and now it was doing to Dean and Roman. They were both exhausted and fought with all they had left. At this point it was anyone's title. It was so cruel from the authority to put them against each other but in the end they both deserved a chance for the title.

"You look worried" Layla eyed me.

"I'm just nervous for Roman and Dean. They are both great I just hope this doesn't ruin their friendship, it's one of the most genuine I've seen here" I said nervously.

"Yeah, though I'm cheering for the opposite team. I think Roman is great too" she said.

"What are you saying?" I asked.

"I'm saying that, even though you think the both are great in your heart you want Roman to win. You have a soft side for him like I have for Dean" she beamed at me.

"Of course not, all he does is molest me" I crossed my arms.

"You like it don't deny it. I think its the most sweetest thing that he calls you angel" she winked at me. I rolled my eyes at her laughing and went back to the tv. In one swift motion, Roman had Dean pinned down in the ring.

"1...2...3" the bell rang. "Here's your winner and the new WWE World Heavy Weight champion Roman Reignsssss!" The announcer shouted and the people went crazy screaming.

Dean and Roman sat up and hugged each other while they gave Roman the championship. It was the first time I've seen Roman cry. All his hard work payed off. Dean left the ring so Roman could celebrate his win. Everyone was celebrating until Triple H came in. Roman angry speared him and then Sheamus song rang. It all happen so quickly, Sheamus was cashing in.

Sheamus kicked Roman in the face and did the count but somehow Roman kicked out at 2. He wasn't going down without a fight even if he was exhausted.

"Come on Roman, get up. Get up you can do this" I cheered but as soon as he got up Sheamus speared him.

He made the count again and the bell rang making Sheamus the championship. Roman sat there hopeless, bleeding and crying his eyes out in frustration. This just not happened it was completely unfair. I couldn't stop myself as I ran to the ring. I reached for Roman's face.

"Angel?" He tried to look with his bleeding eye.

"Hi, Beast" I smiled sadly at him as I cupped his face.

"He took it, after all I just went through. He just took it. That was my life" he cried frustrated. I hugged the life out of him.

"He is going to pay" he whispered in my ear.

"We will make him pay" I kissed his cheek and tried to wipe off the blood in his face.

He kissed my forehead and hugged me again.

Stephanie song came in and she walked to the ring with a microphone.

"Aww isn't it cute? Sweet little angel came to comfort her Roman" she said evilly throught the mic.

"Guess what little angel? He is a loser, he just lost. You are both so pathetic" she smirked. I'll show her pathetic alright, she will be the pathetic one.

I grabbed a mic that was thrown to me in the ring. I helped Roman get up and lean against me.

"Let's see how pathetic I am after I'm done with you Stephanie" i said.

"What kind of stupidity are you talking about? You don't scare me sweet little angel" she shouted.

"If I don't scare you then prove it. I challenge you Stephanie. I challenge you into a match" I eyed her as Roman hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"Well isn't that sweet? We'll see about that" she screamed angrily, threw the mic and left.

"What the hell have you done, Mila?" Roman whispered.

Realization hit me. Oh shit what have I gotten myself into?

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