Chapter I

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My name is Thanatos , I'm a dark prince of the house of L.

As I walk into the hall where queen Victoria sits at the castle of Helios waiting for me I notice a disturbance, the room is darthan usaul. She stands up greeting me as I bow down greeting her back.

She gives orders to all men to leave us as she walks closer to me saying I need to fetch a important artifact an apple of extreme power,she needs it to fight the war between the gods and the mortals. I accept her request and walks off seeing her smile ,feeling the room become dark.

I walk out the side door of the castle opening my wings, seeing guards watching me. Is this all a plan to destroy me I ask myself.

I fly off to the temple where the apple is held by beasts of the light protecting it for all who dares to pass. As I fly I see monsters running from the Queens men, scared then I think why does she need this power if all run away already.

I land at the temple and the beasts awake,I draw my swords and smile while I run to them dodging there claws and cutting open they're stomachs seeing how they fall made me think about that night with my Vader.

I open the door seeing a witch stand there speaking inokian to me , I open my wings and my eyes go red I start to growl at her my body and armour become one. I scream with a voice of a ancient beast at her and she becomes silent and falls down shocked.

Witch: You are not a knight of that castle,your a monster a god.

I smile saying yes I'm a prince of darkness,fear my power and watch me flatten your world.
I take the apple and walk away seeing the witch run away.
As I stand outside watching,hearing the world at war I think to myself would I be able to end this war? Wil I be able to destroy the other gods who walk with these mortals.

I fly back to Helios seeing the queen wait for me outside. I land and give to appel only to see her smile big and walk away without saying thank you.

She calls me to the hall with her first men at her side.

Victoria: Mister thanatos I thank you for this artifact,but now you must die.

She stands up pointing at me kill him now and get rid of his body, I have a apple to use on these monsters outside my walls.
I stand in shock looking at her while her men were close with they're swords to chop me down.

I start to growl my eyes go red and Victoria stops,looking at me.
I draw my swords blocking the swords coming my way and I start cutting her men in half as she stands watching me.
As I hit her last standing man against the wall she runs away but I pull her closer with my my dark force.
She tries using the apple but sees that it doesn't work and tries to bargain with me but it doesn't work.

I drive my sword through her skull seeing her life drain away I drop her cold dead body on the floor holding the apple in my hand.
I look at the apple and crush it in my hand.It's power drains out on the floor then by surprise it takes me as its vessel.I fall down screaming as the pain takes over and I see the darkness flow out of me.
I become more then a vessel I realized at this point,I'm becoming one with this entity.

The pain becomes to much for me and I pass out,only to awake in the battle field with thousands of men and creatures dead.

I stand up hearing nothing but silence. A soft voice speaks to me from behind and I turn around only to find myself standing there. A dark version of me drawing his swords running to me. I draw my swords and l feel the power of something I haven't felt before. I look at him,is this the apple seeing if I'm worthy of its power?

He comes closer and I block his attack and I swing back only to be blocked. I think to myself if this is the apple testing me to see if I'm worthy of its power then that part of me is the way I used to be.

I swing my sword at new ways he doesn't know and I catch him off guard and cut his arm.

Dark Thanatos: Your smarter than I thought.

He jumps at me swing and I roll out the way blocking his second attack. I swing back only to be blocked by one sword, I swing my other one side ways cutting his side open.

As he falls down I think to myself if I should show mercy or not to prove to the apple. He's on his knees. I lower my guard and he sees it and jumps at me cutting my leg. He tries another attempt to end this fight but I see his sword and I drop mine to catch his, at that point he saw my plan but was to slow to stop it. I drove my other sword right through him making him couch blood and smile.

Dark Thanatos: Now you have won,but you wil never beat me.

I look at him pulling out the sword only to feel weak and falling down.

I wake up on the floor at the castle seeing blood everywhere and nobody around. I stand up feeling a power like no other , I walk outside to open my wings only to see they are white and black.

I have 2 pair of wings, I fly off at twice the speed and land at the house of L or what's left of it.

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