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"Fuck you! Im so tired of your bullshit! I've kept Your secret for way to fucking long & Im just done." Levi raged in anger. "You know what bitch, You've been my best friend for 12 years— Levi cut Dakota off— "FUCK THAT! YOU MESSED THAT SHIT UP!!!!" Levi layed on his bed with hands on his face crying out .. Levi was really hurt for what he did & How he did it...He jepordized everything he tried to keep away from his friends and family...Hes Gay.

         "Baby Im really sorry for what i did, I should've never posted that naked pic of you in the shower on instagram, I just thought It would be funny bae—" HOW THE FUCK IS THAT FUNNY BITCH! " Levi snapped. Dakota crawled over & on top of Levi & started to kiss him. Dakotas tounge slid into Levi's mouth. Dakota's hand slid down Levi's 8 pack & onto his dick where he began to rub it. "HUH!" Levi gave out a slight moan. Levi dick rose up while Dakota's hand was wrapped on stroking it up & down. "Are we cool again?" Dakota Looked into Levi's ocean blue & gray eyes. Levi Rolled Dakota over & got on top & took off all of Both of there clothes & finally he gave an answer... "Its getting there." He said with a smirk. While Dakota & Levi were having hot ass sex, This was all happening in Dakota's mothers house && Angela is the biggest homophobic ever. She walked to her son room & the door was unlocked. Angela Twist the knob—It wasnt locked— & open the door "MOM WHAT THE FUCK! " Dakota screamed in shock...

        What, what THE HELL IS THIS!"     Angela ran over to the bed and snatched Dakota off Levi. "Get the fuck out of my house Levi You Nasty Dirty little BITCH!" Dakota put on his pants and so did Levi. " HURRY UP & GET OUT!!" Angela raged. But Dakota could'nt watch that happen, He could'nt just stand there and watch his fiance' leave. He knew in his mind that it was time to tell the truth & grow some balls.

    "No , Stop don't leave! Mom I've always wanted to tell you that im gay, & Levi is my fiance'. Hes my heart,   My soul, My light, My world. Hes my shoulder to cry on. Hes everything I've always imagined him to be, everything i need to keep my life going... Hes my everything Mom. I love everything about him. Noone can compare to my baby. Im going to be with him for the rest of my Life &—Angela cut him off— " This isnt love this is sickly Lust— Dakota cut her off in rage " WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO PUT A LABEL ON LOVE!! NOBODY! Theres only one person that can judge me & that is God; And im done with this conversation Mom.

       Angela Burst into tears and ran back to her room. Then Levi looked at Dakota. "I Never knew how much you loved me, I sit &think everyday & ask myself are you the one & that right there, what you just said answered my thoughts. Of course you're the one & I Love you to the Moon and back" Levi said passionatly. Dakota started to sing to Levi. " Im gonna stand by You, even if we cant find heaven ill walk through hell with you!"

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