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Edited on the 16th of May, 2016

Charlotte's POV

So, i don't know what happened after i was born, but whenever i have found and gone through all of the baby albums we own, i have never, EVER seen a picture of me. I was there when mum and dad showed everyone thier birth certificates, i didnt have one.

As all of us kids grew up, one by one, we all left for school...except me, i was never enrolled in a school, never any mention of me ever attending any type of school, nothing. Whenever the other kods would get home from school mum and dad would ask them how thier day went, what they did, what they learnt and how they felt. During this time, i woukd take advantage of my unnoticed presence and listen to thier answers. From this, i learnt to set up my own school in my head, i could be the teacher and the student all at once, it was great!

Over time, i started to get lonely, but i never said anything to anyone..what was the point? Why talk if no one listens or hears you? There was never any point...

I decided to walk home from the park, and yes, i did get off of the swing before that littke boy sat on me or what not. But, i just don't get it, what did I ever do to anyone to cause this ignorance from them all? I just reached the property of our house in Idaho and made my way to the house. It's a long walk for a little girl...i can just imagine how Daxton feels!

I got up to the front door and walked inside, closing the now open door behind me. I stood still for a moment, just to make sure the family was not vlogging still. Assuming it was safe, j made my way through the house and to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and saw some strawberries, i took a few and went to the basement by myself.

Shay's POV

I had just bought strawberries to have for dessert tonight and i was going to go and grab them out of the fridge. I had told all of the kids that they were not to touch any of them because they were for after dinner. They had all promised not to touch them and i trusted them on that. I got to the fridge and opened it, grabbing out the punnet of strawberries,seeing a few missing. I placed them down on the bench and went through to the kids and Colette who were sitting on the lounge watching the lion king.

"Who ate some of the strawberries? I told all of you that they were for after dinner! Who ate them?!" I asked all of them. They all looked at me like i had suddenly grown three heads. The kids and colette all shock thier heads in confusion, swearing that none of them had touched any strawberries. "Well, i only have five kids, Gavin, Avia, Emmi, Brock and Daxton, and one beautiful wife, Colette. I didn't eat them, so who did?" I asked all of them again.

Charlotte's POV

I was sitting in the basement on the carpeted steps eating the strawberries contemplating what to do next. I'm bored and don't know what to do, i cant go upstairs because i may be seen, even if i am, i won't be noticed by anyone anyway. I wish that Emmi or Avia or even Daxton would notice me so that i might finally have someone to play with. It is very boring being unnoticed your whole life, no family acknowledges your existence, no friends, strangers don't see you and you have to search for food or take it when nobody is looking, because nobody knows you are there. This is a boring life.

Hey guys!!!!!!!!!! sorry it has been ages!!!! this has been written since January or February but i thought i posted it then...must have forgotten....sorry!!!! I hope you liked this chapter, if you get where this story is going, good job, don't spoil it!! 

Updates should be a little more frequent from now on because i am about halfway through year 12 and i turned 17 on Saturday just gone...yay!!! (14th of May) and my 11 month old niece can now walk all by herself!!! YAY!!! i still don't have braces yet but when i get them (Should be soon) i really hope i can get rainbow bands!!! :) :) :)

Anyway, enough about that, i hope you enjoyed the LONG AWAITED chapter, there should be another one soon.

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