"You weren't there, Andie." he said. "When Bane lost his mother, he was... devastated."

And I knew that the safest thing to do was to train him, but prevent as long as possible the circle from being formed. And the only way I could think of was by keeping him separated from everyone, keeping him from bonding with people. That is an essential part of the process. And for years, that worked. Until you arrived."

"... And he fell in love with me..." Andie completed.

"Yes. The first time he saw you, he was intrigued by you. So he watched you from a distance. He saw how you were with your sister, how you always tried to help others... and then I realized you were Adena's chosen... I first thought it was the part of me in Bane that was drawn to her, the part of Adena within you. But then... I wondered if it really was. Because while you definitely have some common traits with Adena, such as your ability to love unconditionally and put others before yourself, or your readiness to do anything to protect one you care about, you are also very different. You see, while Adena will fight if she has no other option, she will always try and solve conflicts peacefully. You, on the other hand, don't give it a second thought. If fighting is necessary, you will. And that resolve is, I think what Bane admires about you, and what made him fall in love with you."

Andie wasn't sure she understood where he was getting at.

"What does that have to do with his mother?"

"... As I said, he took her death extremely hard. With perfectly good reason, of course, he was a child and the circumstances were brutal. He barely ate or spoke, he just stayed in his room. I imagine a part of him was still processing the way she died. And it was only when he began training and throwing all his pain into it that he began to get better."

There was a silence. Andie couldn't think of anything to say, so she kept quiet.

"I suppose my plan was to prevent Bane from suffering again, because I knew that humanity constantly sets itself up for pain and dishes it out. I just thought Bane had experienced enough."

"Humans do hurt each other." Andie agreed. "But they can love, protect, rely on one another, too. And no one, no matter how much they might be suffering, wants to live their life alone."

"He wasn't alone," Balon argued. "He had his uncle and myself."

Andie looked pointedly at him.

"Put yourself in his shoes for a minute. Wouldn't you feel a little tired of always spending your time with the same two people, even if you love them?"

Balon considered this, and then sighed.

"I suppose I would."

Andie got to her feet.

"I know you were trying to protect Bane. And he's grateful for that. But he's not a child anymore, he can fend for himself, now."

Balon looked at her a moment without a word.

"Physically, I have no doubt he can." he answered. "Emotionally... I'm not as certain."

"And who's fault is that?" Andie demanded. "He lived cut off from everyone, so he doesn't really know how to act with people outside this life of fighting demons. I know you meant well, but you know I'm right. And, I'm sorry, but Zorak only went after him because you abandoned your power."

Balon stood frozen as he mulled this over. Andie wasn't sure if he agreed or if he was trying to find an argument to her statement.

"You seem to make a point in exposing my flaws." He said coldly. "But what about your errors, Andie?"

Andie's eyebrows pulled together slightly.

"Excuse me?" she asked.

"You claim things are clear between you, Eric and Bane. But are they really? Bane may not have noticed your fluster around Eric, but I have. And let me tell you. I will not accept you hurting Bane."

Andie, bristling, stepped closer.

"And let me tell you, Balon, that I have no intention of purposefully hurting anyone. But what goes on between Bane, Eric and me is none of your business."

She stepped back.

"Now I'd appreciate if you would leave my house."

Balon turned away and faded into the shadows. Andie stood there a moment, shaking slightly, because as much as she hated to admit it, Balon had a point. Eric had more of an effect on her that she was comfortable with, but had no idea how to deal with it.

Four Elements Book 2 - Fight and FeelWhere stories live. Discover now