I was in the gym running laps.

“You okay” Aaliyah's tired voice said running next to me.

“What do you think?” I spoke without looking at her.

“I heard about what kevin did to you,well the whole pack did....it was pretty gruesome” She tried making conversation

“No it was peachy” I said sounding like a smart ass and she sighed.

“Is the separation taking a toll on you” She asked as if she cared.

“Look at me....do I look as if the seperation is taking a toll on me....” I pointed to my pale face and bags under my eyes.


“Ha I bet you are” I said with full sarcasm and sped off.

After runnning I was strretching and staring at Trey with Kara....my eyes changed colors non stop with full of emotions

Just go to him already it's killing me. My wolf whimpered

“Shut up” I whispered painfully.

Now I finally obviously accepted the seperation....him rejecting me because I have no choice and since I accepted it I'm going through it.

Aaliyah came up to me and I glared at her.

“Lexi I'm sorry if I upsetted you I was just looking out for you”

“Hmm funny....Get away from me”

“Your still my bestfriend” She said it determindely

“Can't say the same to you...if you don't want to go i'll go” with that I walked farther away from the class.

“We will be partnering up with our mates today” Mr.gonzales said smiling.

“First on the list will be....Trey and Alexis, Aaliyah and Adam,Elizabeth and Mark...”

“Sir were no longer mates” I said out loud and Trey glanced at me quickly before stating “Yeah we're separating”

Everybody was quiet and looking away awkwardly and I just stood their also awkwardly.

“Well....sorry but you two have to be together because since you guys are in the beginnig of seperating you guys are still consider mates therefore you two have to be together for this 3 weeks assignment” He said looking at Trey then at me.

I bit my lip from being nervous and Trey looked at the teacher with anger. While everyone was getting with their mates me and Trey was both stil in our same spot.....away from eachother.

“Partner up!” Mr.Gonzales yelled

I slowly walked to Trey and He slowly walked towards me to. I gulped while looking at his beautiful face even if it was held with anger and disgust.

By the time we was standing next to eachother Mr.gonzales was already speaking.

“Alrighty wolves now this 3 week assignment require you to find more stuff about your mate, and you have to write down your arguments and how you made up and things you've found out about eachother. Also, you and your mate will be competing not with each other but we have a room where you two will be in and there will be Robots....do not underestimate them they know all kinds of fighting skills and other things...you will be fighting the robots to show teamwork and Oh they will have guns but they don't hit your heart or anywhere fatal so be careful.....also I have tell you it is not easy”

Everybody smiled and cheer excitedly while me and Trey both look elsewhere than eachother

“Oh and this is a in class and after school assignment”

I whispered “Bullshit”

“Well if this is bullshit than I guess your grade is bullshit too...Now quit talking to me and go into the workout room with your partner” He walked out of the double doors

I stormed off and went into the workout room and got on the treadmill.

“Speed it up....your not a human” Trey's voice said and he got on the next one with me. I ignored his comment and went a slow normal pace while looking straight ahead.

He stopped his treadmill and looked at me irritably and pressed my treadmill to a higher place.

I slapped his hand away only to feel the small electrifying shocks. I closed my eyes and steadied my breathing and continued running.

“I really hate you” He spoke angrily

“Yeah well I really love you but you rejected me so I guess I'm just going to have to force a fucking emotion that can be there”

“Your right I did rejected you” He said coldly

“I know....so please stop talking to me it's hard enough trying to separate while being partners with you” I kept my eyes off him with ease...not!

“I have to tell you something”

“What” I glanced at him.

“I can hear your heart race not because you're running but because I'm right here but listen to my heart...you don't hear it race when I'm near you or when you touch me so that tells you something...I will never feel the same way about you and when your out of my life for good then I'm going to mate the love of my life...Kara” with that he looked straight ahead and kept running.

I stopped my treadmill and got off to only see the whole classroom staring at me pitifully and Kara seemed sad but also happy what Trey told me because ethe bitch was blushing like crazy and smirking a little.

I officially don't like her ass!

I walked out of the workout room and went into the locker room and cried.......

Lost Love(Sequel to my crazy alpha king royal)Where stories live. Discover now