Dare You To Move

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Sophie eyes widened when Silver limped right by her face, groaning as he used his mechanical arm as a stick to help him walk. Once she was sure she was safe, she sighed in relief and began to think of a way to free her wrists, a tree branch? Maybe she could sneak up the strange building Jim had emerged from, Amelia and Dr Doppler must be there as well. A sudden harsh battering of branches made the blonde quietly gasp and duck, even though she couldn't hide any closer to the ground. They must be looking for her! She bit her lip, the Academy didn't teach you how to escape pirates or even what to do when you got caught – she was petrified.

"Ah, Morphy! I wondered where you was off to." Silver grinned, his first genuine one that day – maybe because Morph bore no ill will to either party, as the creature nuzzled his face. Jim merely glared at him, not even sure what answers he wanted first – he just wanted answers. Silver groaned as he sat on a rock and rubbed his mechanical leg, glancing at Jim – hoping it would make the brunette lessen his guard but he frowned more. "Ooh. Oh, this poor old leg's downright snarky since that game attack we had in the galley, eh." He smiled, hoping a light hearted joke would work, Jim remained silent – too silent. The cyborg chuckled nervously as he tapped his fingers together knowing Jim would ask where Sophie was – maybe he could play it to his advantage if this went wrong. "Ahh... Whatever you heard back there... at least the part concerning you and Sophie... I didn't mean a word of it." Silver began, meaning his words now – though Jim, like Sophie didn't believe a word Silver now uttered. "Had that bloodthirsty lot thought I'd gone soft... they'd have gutted as all." Silver continued, demonstrating with his hands what the pirates would've done to everyone, though Jim looked unconvinced. Silver stood up and inched closer to the brunette, "Listen to me, if we play our cards right... we can both walk away from this rich as kings." He bargained, believing he had won Jim over when he slowly put a hand to his chin in thought, "Yeah?" Jim half smiled, seemingly interested in Silver's bargaining. "You get me that map... and uh... an even portion of the treasure is yours!" Silver smiled, holding his mechanical arm out for a handshake.

The false smile Jim wore ebbed away, he didn't want the treasure as much as he did – he wanted Sophie first and the treasure second. Not seeing her made him worry, somewhat already accepting she wasn't around as he chuckled to himself. "Boy. You are really... something." He said dryly, "All that talk of greatness... light coming off my sails..." He smiled walking around Silver before leaning to his ear for a second, "What a joke." He ended harshly before facing Silver again, who was now confused and hurt by Jim's disbelief. "Now, just see here, Jimbo-" He spluttered, "I mean, at least you taught me one thing." Jim interrupted, his eyes not hiding his anger, "Stick to it, right? Well, that's just what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna make sure that you never see one drabloon of my treasure!" Jim hissed, staring Silver down dangerously. "That treasure is owed me, by thunder!" Silver shouted, losing his cool and half standing up. "Well, try to find it without my map, by thunder!" Jim shouted back, imitating Silver's voice at the end. Jim's chest rose and fell heavily and slowly as he drew in large breaths, venting his anger out on Silver – a man he had considered a father figure.

"Oh, you still don't know how to pick your fights, do you boy?" Silver asked darkly, "Well neither did that lass of yours." Jim stepped forward, "Where is she." He demanded, eyes narrowing even more as he felt his heart pound at his chest in worried anger. "How should I know? There ain't much ya can do with someone that doesn't respond to ye." Silver smirked. "What did you do." Jim asked through clenched teeth, fearing the worst. "Your lass decided to be brave and it ended badly for her..." Silver shrugged, Jim felt his fists clench as he forced himself to stay put – he'd avenge Sophie but not now. "Leave, leave and never come back. The treasure is mine." The brunette seethed – not sure how to react to Sophie's death, not sure what to tell Captain or Doppler. Would she even register it in her state? "Now mark me, Either I get that map by dawn tomorrow... or so help me, I'll use the ships cannons to blast ya all to kingdom come!" Silver roared, Morph whimpering terrified behind Jim's shoulder – though the cyborg felt rather frightened by Jim's glare – one he had never seen before. So intense, but then it hit him – he just broke the boy's heart more by telling him that Sophie was dead. "Morph, hop to it." Silver called, turning to walk away – the poor creature whimpered and didn't move, "NOW!" The cyborg screamed, Morph flinched and whimpered louder – Jim's eyes flickering to him before resuming his dark glare at Silver. "Oh blast it!" Silver muttered as he stumbled his way back down the hill, hoping his crew had found Sophie but she was still missing.

"Come on, come on... yes!" Sophie whispered to herself as she managed to find a rock sharp enough to cut the ropes, "Ow..."Rubbing her wrists and continuing to stay low on the ground, the pirates had long given up on looking for her and had made a camp with a fire which Sophie could see from her spot. Biting her lip, she weighed the possibility of reaching Jim and the others unnoticed – not brilliantly high and even if she did manage to get there undetected, someone might accidently shoot her fearing that she was a pirate. With a sigh she hugged her knees shivering from the cold, maybe fear as well – who knows what the pirates would do to her if they found her, what Scroop did to Mr Arrow? Something worse? The reality of what had happened that day hit Sophie hard and fast, choking back a sob as she squeezed her eyes shut, a hand covering her mouth. She sobbed as quietly as she could, teardrops running over hand and onto the ground, making a damp patch on the dirt.

A chirping noise made Sophie splutter a watery gasp as she looked up, Morph. It was Morph. He cooed sadly as he nuzzled Sophie's bruised face, she tried not to wince to not upset him more. "Hey buddy." She whispered softly, a smile appearing on her face as she tickled him with her fingers, he rolled around happily before rushing to her face again. "I'm ok, really." Sophie assured, though she knew it was a pathetic lie. Morph changed to an arrow pointing up to the strange building on the hill, urging her to go up. "It's too dangerous, Morph. I'll stay here." She whispered, "Let them know I'm ok." Trying to urge him to go on without her, his bottom lip protruded before he Morphed into Jim who seemed to be crying – even though Sophie knew it wasn't really Jim – the image broke her, why was he crying? Now she wanted to go up to Jim and the others, Morph wouldn't be able to convince Jim that she was ok, Silver must have said something had happened. Slowly she rose from the ground and began to make her way up the hill, hoping like nothing else that she wouldn't get caught by the pirates or shot by those she cared about.  

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