The start of the end

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She stood by the entryway of the small shop as she watched the police run past her. The chief and commander was shouting in German, and the men racing out in front of her. She widened her eyes and put a hand up to her mouth in fake shock. "Arawn! Are you alright?" Her boss yelled, aware of the situation. He came running up behind her and rested a hand on her shoulder. "I didn't do this." She said. She looked around the fast growing crowd and spotted brunet girl with violet eyes. She smirked and pointed at the girl, "It was her, most likely a freak accident as well." 
After a while the crowd began to thin and the body was whisked away to the morgue. Arawn approached the girl with a smirk evident on her thin face. Her long scarlet hair waved around her knees and blue eyes seemed to go nowhere but to the girls. Arawn got so close it seemed no one could even try to listen to their conversation. "Did you do this?" The girl slowly nodded as if she had a hard time believing it herself. Arawn smirked and pulled her into the shop. "What's your name?" Arawn asked and the girl inwardly groaned, "Ryn." She said worriedly, "Are you going to turn me in because it was a total accident, it was my first day and I had no idea it was poison!" The girl and the old man at the counter  looked at each other and busted out laughing. "He wasn't killed by poison." Arawn said after she had calmed down. Ryn furrowed her eyebrows, "Did you not see the bullet holes in his stomach?" Arawn asked and Ryn shook her head. Arawn smirked once again, "I would leave while you still can Ryn, I'll see you in a couple days."

Arawn pulled at the hem of her shirt and she walked the streets of London. People walked around blinded by their little screens. A small child ran up to her with his mother chasing after him. "Look mummy! It's the girl from that chapter book sissy reads." The mother stopped and stared at her with wonder in her eyes. "I'm sorry but you look like-" Arawn interrupted her, "A Demons Sky by Ryn Millow, Yeah, I get that a lot." The mother gave her a side nod and continued on with her son in tow. Arawn continued down the narrow sidewalk. "You'd think after five hundred years someone would burn that stupid book" She muttered as she reached her flat.  She plopped down on her couch and turned on the news. Mass murders, big arrests, celebrity lovers, it was all so stupid. If they had even stopped to think about what roamed around them they would never leave their house. They say that ignorance is bliss, and I guess it's true because all the other demons and "mythical creatures" stay in their own flats. It's funny how humans picture demons, scary, red, horns, leave a trail of fire wherever they go.  Arawn stood up and went into her kitchen, she missed the old days when you could rob a store and not get caught but now there were cameras. She pulled out some blackberries and went to sit back down. The new headline on the new read, "Does the supernatural walk among us?"

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