"Mom, chill." I whispered to her, trying not to laugh.

"It's just that you're all grown up now, Cassie! Mommy is very proud of you." she faltered, wiping away a tear from her cheek.

"Mom, don't go all emotional right now, please? This is making me laugh."

"Okay, I won't. But I need to ask you something."


"It's about Lyle, dear. Can you tell me what both your status is right now?"

"Like Facebook, what's on your mind thingy?" I said, hoping to steer her away from the topic.

"No, I mean, what's been happening between the two of you?"

I swallowed hard, looking away from her as I sat nervously on my bed. I didn't know what to say, to be honest. Although, I had spent the last four nights thinking of him, I hadn't come to the conclusion on how to talk to him yet. Do I go, 'Hey, Lyle. I bet you meant those three words you said in a friendly way, right? LOL how 'bout we just forget about it, eh?'

"I honestly don't know." I said truthfully, sighing as I glanced at my mother who was looking at me with amused eyes. She sat beside me and stroked my hair, and I hope she wouldn't pull it back, because then, I'd have a hard time explaining about the bruise to her. And I was certainly not that good in making lies.

"I think I know." she whispered, giving me a warm smile. "But it's just a guess." She shrugged, turning to the window.

"Tell me, mom!" I said in a desperate tone. I wanted to know what I was feeling. Almost four days had passed, and I was still confused. I didn't think I could stand a day without laughing with Lyle, or even just talking to him. I couldn't just possibly talk to him when he just told me he loved me. I couldn't imagine me being the first one engaging him in a conversation, because that would be downright weird and awkward.

"I think, honey, that you," my mother said as she poked me on the nose. "Are falling in love with him."

Was I?

Suddenly, my thoughts flashed back when we danced that night in the club where he was about to kiss me, when I felt the brush of lips on my cheek as I fell asleep in his room, when he kissed my nose, and of course, how could I forget that smile he gave me that sent gorillas down my stomach. And those three words he breathed as he stared at me right in the eyes.

I love you, Cass.

I shook my head as my mother stared at her feet and gripped my trembling hand. Maybe I was falling in love with Lyle, maybe I fell for him even before the party, maybe years of being with him made me realize how much I loved him.

But I was sure, so sure, that I was missing him.

And the ache that was inside me right now was missing him badly. I couldn't imagine Lyle not being a part of my life. And with just a few days parted away from each other, I had already felt like a hollow part of my chest was missing, yearning for him to fill it. And that ache inside me made me fall for harder.

Then I heard the honking of a car. Rushing to the window, I saw a shiny, black limousine pull up the driveway, and out came Nathan, his white suit standing out like a spotlight.

"Your escort's here!" grandma shouted from downstairs.

"Oh my god." I whispered as mother and I went down to meet up with Nathan.

Before I reached the living room, my mother beside me, holding her digital camera, Nathan was standing in the center of the room, clutching a bouquet of white roses.

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