Ch:2 new member/new love

Start from the beginning

Lokian cut kashi off

Lokian:wait kashi I know I've been a jerk but... Ik what I must do I will move on just I need both of u guys to help me...

Kashi:fine.but after this im done

Lokian:and...I decide... team...leader....

Kashi:i sorry but im not meant to be a leader.

Lokian:yes u are
Sasuke: I believe in you babe

Kashi looked at Sasuke and Lokian with amazement

Kashi:Sasuke...Lokian im to slow to be a are more of a leader than me and sasuke can make smart dicisions but you just need to listen to you be the leader and do good for everybody

Sasuke:then me and you will both leaders Ok babe *kisses your head* now let's pick out new team members

Kashi:No!!im not going to be the leader and thats final!!you need to start taking my feelings and opinions into consideration and not ignore them!!*runs away and goes home and locks door and jumps on my bed crying*

Sasuke:Kashi *runs after you grabs you before you lock yourself up in your room* Ok but will still stay by my side please

Kashi:....*looks at you crying*
Sasuke:will you?

Kashi:*kisses you softly*..does that answer your question?

~next morning Lokian was hanging up posters for new members for the team~

Kashi:*gets dressed*

Lokian:*sees a lot guys and girls at the house* wow...ah hi...welcome I'm ah...who's first.

Lokian looked at all the girls and boys wanting join their team.

Kashi:*walks in wearing shortshorts and a tanktop cut off at her bellybutton with some bark red contacts and her hightop ninja shoes*lokian,ill take the guys and you can take the girls okay?

Lokian: Ok cool girls make one line guys make other line.

The boys and girls made to lines for them they counted how many people were there, there was 14 boys and 13 girls.

Kashi:guys theres no need to stay in one line just come with me to the back and we will get started

Lokian:*whispers* just text the skills girl *goes to the first girl* hi Wats ur name

Yaki:im yaki sasurtea

Lokian looked at Yaki and notice something wierd

Lokian;*face red* um...o um...ur they guy we tress like girl sometimes aren't you... got a problem with it?

Lokian:*fave redder* no not at what are your skills Yaki?

Yaki:well i can do multipule things.i have a really good mind set and i can bend my body so i have a fast reflext when it comes to fighting.

Lokian begins to lift up his foot to kick Yaki can block it

Yaki:*bends the side of my body and moves to the side fast*see what i tell you.

Lokian:*smiles* that is a very good skill Yaki quick question how would feel on sharing a room if u get on the team.

Yaki:im pretty chill when it comes to sharing a room with someone.

Lokian:o cool we will call if u get the job Ok?

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