How You Meet

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Harry ~

You meet Harry in your first year on the Hogwarts Express

There were no other open seats so Harry offered for you to sit with him and Ron so you gladly accepted.

And soon after that you and Harry because best friends...and maybe more


You and Ron meet at the Great Hall

You were talking to yourself very worried that you wouldn't be placed in Gryffindor like all of your family members and Ron over heard you crying because you were so worried so he comforted you and hugged you and you guys because friends and once you were placed into Gryffindor he went up to you and said "see there was nothing to worry about"

Fred and George ~

You met Fred and George in detention

Like always Fred and George pulled off a prank and got detention by Umbridge

And well you didn't do anything but you know how Umbridge is

After that detention Fred/George {who ever you prefer}

Made sure you were okay and that Umbridge didn't hurt you to much so he escored you back to your dorm and you thanked him by a kiss on the cheek and walked back so happy to your dorm and he did too

\\ i do not own Harry Potter and i don't own the Characters this is just Fan made

All rights go to J.K Rowling//

// i will try to post chapters Daily but if i don't that means that i am busy with school work//

xx Jenna

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