Social tag

53 8 15

Tagged by kenmahs

Do you like anyone?

Hmm... It will be a lie if I said that someone didn't catch my eye...

Do they like you back?

I'm not sure, haha. I hope? ><

Single or taken? 


Last song I listened to?

Interviewer covered by 96neko

Battery life?


Best Friend that's a girl?

Hmm... She doesn't have a wattpad account so I won't be able to tag her.

Favourite colour?

I really like the colour green.

Favourite celebrities?

Unfortunately, I do not have one.

Favourite TV show?

Currently none at the moment.

Favourite animal?

I absolutely love dogs.

Last anime you watched?

The first episode of Season two of Assassination Classroom. I literally screamed when I saw the first episode. xD

Favourite OTP?

Hinayachi all the way~

Character crushes?

Too many to count. 

Kuroo Tetsurou and Nagisa Shiota are on the top of my list tho. c:

I'll tag 4CatpawsHarukatsubaki and prongs-chan. c:

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