Chapter 2 <3

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Hey lovelies!

This is chapter 2 for Bonjour Mr. not so popular book. 

Anyway i like the story line sooo pleasssee read and....


Hope you enjoy and tell me if there is anything wrong pleaseeee! :D

FrankieBelle :D



Chapter 2

“Your kidding right?” was Ciara’s reply on the other end. 

“Please Ciara, I need to go.” Begged Olivia.

“Is this to do with James?”


“I will meet you at the airport.”

“Pack everything, we might be there a while,” and Olivia hung up. 

Everything went in the Brown Louis Vuitton suitcase. She threw in her red and white checked bathers, her face long sunglasses, ‘How to speak French’ guide book, her fathers credit card, and other bits and pieces. Her parents weren't at home, so, carefully grabbing her pink paper she wrote:

Dear Mother and Father, 

Things have gotten out of hand, to the point were I am going.

You will never know where, and someday I will come back, hopefully not in a long, long time. 

With Love, 

You daughter, Olivia x

Kissing the page, she put it under a vase and ran to hail a cab. 

“You alright Ms? You look like you’ve been crying,” the cab driver asked. 

“Yes Sir.”

“The name is Jimmy, Jimmy Loin.”

“Nice to meet you.”

“Don’t mind me asking but, you look a hell of a lot like a celebrity, Curtis daughter is it?” He said raising an eyebrow.

“I don’t know what you mean, my name is Pippa Grace,” Olivia said using her fake name and pulling her head scarf over her face. 

“Well, you look an awful lot like her.”

“Well, i’m not her.” Olivia snapped but the man would not take no for an answer. He babbled on about how he had saw her somewhere for the rest of the trip, as Olivia nodded and zoned out. Finally, after what seemed like hours, Jimmy said:

“Airport Ms. That will be 108 dollars.” Olivia shoved the money in his hand and stepped out. 

“Nice meeting you!” he shouted but she was already gone. 

Olivia stood at the front of the airport, the big building towering above her. It seems to go on for miles and suddenly she felt scared of the circumstance she was in. She was about to go to an unknown county, with an unknown knowledge. She hadn’t thought about what would happen after, just the effects on the present. Where were we going to stay, eat, go, do, she thought in awe. Ciara will know, she sighed, she always does. It was true, Ciara was much more logical, and in many ways too. She was going to Paris with her best friend. She was running away from James and her family, never to see them in a long time. This thought cheered Olivia and she went inside. 

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