Then I heard the sounds of shuffling again, I grabbed the bag that was now full of various objects and materials, and I swung it over my back.

"Grace?" I shout standing grabbing my knives, tightening the straps of my bag.

"Grace, where the hell are you?!" I whisper/yell walking to her side of the room.

"Lexi, get down." I was quickly pulled my who I now see is grace.

"What's wrong?" I whisper.

"Look, the shadows are coming through the house. The sun is going down. We lost track of time." She points to where I couldn't see anything, by that I meant it was dark so nothing was visible.

"Shit, we need to move now." I grab her wrist, picked her bag up, and carefully began to move without making them run after us. They wouldn't make it far because of the sun, but they might scrap us with their nails, or bite us.

"Stay close to me, if anything happens, run and don't look back. I will hold them off worst case scenario, while you run back to the boys." I tells her and she nods.

"Once we're out those door we are going to run as fast as our legs will carry us." I inform her pointing toward the front entrance doors.

We moved silently, but quickly through the place, attracting no one. Finally after what seemed like forever, we reached the doors. Just as I was about to open the door, I heard a crunch. Grace then clasped her hands over her mouth then uncovered them to mouth a 'sorry'. But it was too late, by now I could sense all of the 'things' looking at us with hungry eyes. I know that they are smart, but they're also hungry, they would do anything to eat a healthy human.

"RUN!" I yell once I see them all making their way fast to us.  

We then took off running at lightning speed wasting no time to thing about where we were going to. If we could put run them long enough, they would eventually die from the sun. I knew that I couldn't run as fast as grace because I was carrying my bag and hers.

As were ran, I could see all the blurs of the now ancient past, and I wondered what would have been like to live in a time where all of this was once new and exciting? My mind always question itself when I run, I analyze everything better when I run. I was pulled out of my thought when grace shouted at me.

"Lexi! Snap out of it, they're all gone." I turn to see all the once dead but standing and running after us like madmen, now lay on the road with their skin blistering.

"Oh my..." The sight of the thing alone was enough to put you off your food for years. The smell of their flesh burning was something indescribable.

"LEXI!" I turn to see Logan running at full speed to us.

"Logan!" Soon as he reached me, he pulled me into a warming hug.

"I saw you both running, we thought we lost you two. I was so worried." Logan says smoothing my hair out while resting his chin on my head.

"I thought we were goners too." I tell him truthfully.

"Don't do that again to me. Right now we need shelter." We then ran into a one story house that was nearby.

We locked all the doors once we checked the house was clean, and then we put things against the windows to block out the 'things'.

I looked around to see everyone sleeping, but Logan was still awake. The house we ended up in, has 3 rooms so it was; me and Logan, grace and Ben, and poor Sebastian by his lonesome self.

"Hey, thanks for worrying about me back there, it's nice to have someone who cares." I say slipping into the blankets next to him.

"Just don't do that again... Don't scare me like that, dove." He says kissing my forehead.

"I won't, wolfy!" I say giggling.

"I think now would be a good time to resume where we left off." He says. What?

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"This." He then leaning in and passionately kissed my lips. The kiss wasn't forced or pushy, it was warm, soft, kind, and passionate. My mind said to stick to doing my part in society and not kiss him, just be a killer and stick to the mission. Yet my heart contradicts what my mind says, it says to pull him close, experience his love, accept his kindness. That's what I done, I listened to my heart. I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.

I don't know if I was ever kissed before coming here, but all I know is that was and will be the best kiss I've have and ever will experience.

Once we both pulled away, we smiled up at each other.

"You're good." He complemented me.

"You're not bad yourself." I says leaning my forehead against his.

"Goodnight, my love."

"Goodnight my wolf." 

Sleep once again cut the day off with darkness.

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