chapter one:the betrayal

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Itachi:why wouldn't i love you ur perfect

Pepper jack:.....*blushes* Itachi your making me blush*looks up at you*

Itachi:hehe I'm sorry pepper let's get home so we can clean u up

Pepper jack:*nods*okay
*time skip to the hideout*

Itachi took pepper home Sasuke and kashi took Lokian home as well asuma looked at them.

Asuma:wow you guys took for ever what happen to you two?

Kashi:things got a little complicated

Asuma:how complicated what happen to Lokian

Kashi:id rather not say

Asuma:Ok and ah ur father wants to see you

Kashi nodded went to her dad and saw him eating angrily
Father:kashi where were u didn't I say that Lokian shouldn't fight Pepper .

Kashi:i couldn't stop them from fighting was pepper's choice to leave and go to the Akatsuki and Lokian made a choice to fight him.what was i supposed to do dad?

Father:I don't know convince him there was other way I will not be blamed for two young kids deaths.

Kashi:and you wont.they arnt your responsibility dad....they're mine.*looks in a mirror* you have always told me that I can't give up on anyone and that I have to protect them even if it costs my life..well dad.thats not what I was meant for.I am there friend,not there protector.

Kashi dad looked at her with a disappointed look on his face.

Father: listen her kashi an order is a damn order got that you will make Lokian get a new member on the team and if I ever here about other fight in the leaf village I swear I will have no choice but to take away you sasuke and lokians abilities to use the ninja powers am I clear!?

Kashi nodded and ran outside

Kashi:*grabs her kunai and stabs the tree hard then looks at the kunai and stabs herself in the stomach multiple times while screaming in pain*AHhhhhhhh.

Sasuke:*stops you pins u against the tree* what the hell

Kashi:*looks at you crying*you dont understand.......

Sasuke: talk to me Kashi

Kashi looked at sasuke weakly

Kashi:*looks at you and coughs up blood*s-sasuke...?*fants*

Sasuke:*heals u kisses ur head then lips*

Kashi looked at Sasuke with confusion and sadness

Kashi:why..why are you doing this? I thought you hated me..*looks at the ground*

Sasuke:u really are dumb aren't you I don't hate you...I um well um...I um...u know um you know...

Kashi:*looks at you*why?!im nothing but a nobody and who would ever love someone that looks like this?*points to my eyes*

Sasuke: maybe because if u stopped using them but you look very pretty with them *smiles*

Kashi:*looks down blushing*we know...go back to the house..if you want...

Lokian; ERM I'm sorry to ruin this romantic moment but um....I'm ready to find new members for our team...

Sasuke and Kashi looked up at Lokian and Lokian looked at both of them.

Kashi:*looks at Lokian*im done being the toy that my dad thinks i sorry but you're going to have to find someone else who will help in no c-c

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