03 | family

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The sunlight poured into Draco's room. His eyes fluttered open. Stretching out on his mattress, he slowly got up.

His head pounded, and he shut his eyes for a second to ease the pain.

"Feeling better?"

When Draco opened his eyes again, Harry was leaning on his doorframe, in a t-shirt and jeans, hair disheveled.

And Draco had to say, he looked incredibly hot.

But he dismissed this thought as hormones.

"What do you mean better?"

"Oh you don't remember, do you..?"

"Remember what, exactly?" Draco ran a hand through his hair.

"Your panic attack? Screaming, counting my fingers?"

"Counting your fingers? What-" but before he could finish, it all came rushing back to him; the feeling of hysteria, the endless fear. "Oh."

"Yeah. Probably the most terrifying experience of my life, having to calm down Draco Malfoy from his own nightmares," Harry shivered mockingly.

"Shut up," Draco groaned as pain pierced his head again. He shielded his eyes from the light as Harry left the room to get him water.

Sitting on his bedside, Harry flicked Draco's hand and held up the cup of water. "Drink."

Draco sat up slowly and brought the cup to his lips, taking the water in small sips.

Harry watched him, and when their eyes met, the Auror quickly looked down again in embarrassment.

Draco finished the water, and set the empty cup on a desk next to his mattress. He motioned to Harry's attire, and asked, "Are you wearing that to work? Is that even allowed?"

"It's Sunday, dumbass. I get the day off."

"I apologize that I didn't know the days of the week. I don't suppose you have a calendar?"

"Haha," Harry mocks, rolling his eyes.

The two sat silent for a while, letting the wordless atmosphere consume them.

"Do you have nightmares too?" asked Draco, almost silently. He looked up at Harry, his eyes plagued by fear and his brows furrowed.

"Yeah, I do."

"Every night?"


Draco pursed his lips. "Do you think it'll ever stop?"

"For us? I think it'll get better. Or maybe we'll just learn to control our fear better. Either way, it will get better... At least that's what I've been told." Draco let out a dry laugh. He had begun to play with his fingers, wringing his hands.

"But to be honest, I don't think our nightmares will ever really go away."

Draco shut his eyes tightly. "I was prepared for that answer."

Harry smiled and got up. "Want some breakfast?"

Draco treated himself to a tour of 12 Grimmauld Place, for Harry had gone to buy food.

He had walked past Harry's room probably three times, but didn't want to invade his privacy. When he walked past the fourth time, he decided he was looking through the house anyway, and when had Draco had that much honor anyways?

Harry's room had a bit of a sweet smell to it, almost as if he had sprayed perfume in it. It was painted a bright blue color, and pictures were placed on his bedside table.

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