Special Edition EP

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Hello, loyal MOM fans. Yes I know you are upset to see that there are no actual lyrics on this page. (Please no mean comments. They will be deleted.) I am very upset also. However, I did this to get your attention. As you may know I dedicated myself to writing all of Makeout Monday's song lyrics. And as probably already know they released a special Edition EP with two new songs -- American Cinema & Jersey.-- only available on their website.

Some of you viewers may have heard it. Most have not unfortunately. I am one of the unfortunates. So to all the readers that HAVE bought and heard the music... Please post videos of the songs on a YouTube channel or ask ANYONE that may have a channel to post the whole EP. Please no editing out parts of the song because it may be annoying to YOU. --Tall as Heaven... Hint hint-- you could even post on a Facebook or Twitter.

I would really like for it be the real audio and not some recorded version from a phone, but if that is all you could do, please make it as clear as you can.

I'm checking YouTube everyday to see any posts that you have done. Hopefully, I see some by the following week.--it won't hurt to dream, would it?--

On the other hand, We could urge MOM to sell it on iTunes. --Deluge people! Deluge!!

Or you... of many people... could ask a YouTuber I "know" to post the WHOLE EP on her channel that has been subscribed by Makeout Monday themselves. Her username is "Natatile San". She has a gray profile pic of her in the mirror.

We need to band together people!

Please post the whole EP on YouTube, Spotify, or a clear version on your device. Facebook and Twitter would be suitable also.

Please report back to me with any videos of the songs. Thank you.

You will be able to reach me at my YouTube channel -Autumnvibs@gmail.com- or here on Wattpad at @CreativeLeaf.

The link to the website will be available in the link to the MOM music will be at the top of the page. Scroll back up please to see.

Thank you for your time:)

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