Chapter 2

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When I was two years old my cousin Renesme was born, and the next day my Aunt Bella was converted into a vampire. Renesme grew really fast. In just two months she looked like a eight year old but after that she aged slowly.

When Renesme was three months old word got out that she was supposedly an immortal child, and the Volturi found out about it.

I was different from the rest of the humans,Momma says that I don't smell good, I don't exactly smell like the shape shifters, but I didn't smell like a human. They all suspect that my paternal father was a shape shifter or my mother was of descent from a strong shape shifter. I always hoped that was true, until I turned 16, when I realized that that meant one of the shape shifters had abondoned me.

Anyways when I was three I had to spend time with Emily, until all the vampires who came to witness for Renesme, left. That lead to me being a great cook. Emily was like a second mother to me, she took care of me as if I were her own, thst also included getting scolded at, but that rarely happened because I hated dissapointing her.

That summer Emily miscarried a baby girl, her name was to be Joyce Anne. I remember her crying one time when the boys weren't there, I got really upset because I thought I had done something wrong so when the boys came back I began to cry to Sam on how I was sorry for hurting her, I got to sleep late that night because Emily took me outside on the porch swing, fed me her to-die-for cookies and some warm milk , and talked to me as best as she could about her miscarriage. After that I only caught her sobbing a few times.I only ever saw Sam cry once, and that was shortly after the miscarriage when I hugged him and told him that I loved him 'oh so very much'.

I always knew that my family was way different from other families, so I always had to be careful with what I would have to do or say, causing me to have not many friends.

But I always had Renesme. Renesme aged different from me, at first, but when she turned three months old and looked like a child of eight she stopped growing, worrying my family. She didn't start growing again till I turned eight, after that we aged the same pace. My grandad Carlisle said it must have been the harmones that detected me.

So back to having no friends, it wasn't hard to know why I had no friends, I was insane! I would say the most absurd things, if a teacher ever said any lyrics by accident I would sing that certain song, leading to many detentions might I add, in PE class I would goof off since my best friend was in that class, I always had English with Renesme, and we passed that class easily because Grandma Esme always read us books and talked about them, which caused me to create different personas in that class, my teachers always loved that considering my personas always had something to do with the book, unfortunately that never worked on many kids, some would play along and high five and tell me that I'm awesome, but never acknowledge me outside of class, and others found me annoying and a waste of time, causing all the bullying. Momma never found out about the bullying, surprising I know, especially considering that I had an uncle who read minds. I had trained my mind to not think of such things around him, I almost slipped once, but I did it I made sure my family never found out till I was in my twenties.

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