1. Irrelevant

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She sat there, clothes ragged and tattered, face dirty, hair neglected. The gray walls were a stark reminder of where she was, a reminder that she had been here quite some time.

The doors slid open. "Megatron!" She called out for him, standing as quickly as she could manage, malnourished and weak compared to how she used to be. When she came to this ship, she was strong, able to run for miles and lift twice her bodyweight. Now, her cheekbones were evident. While she was fed, it wasn't enough to sustain her properly.

She never complained though, she never made a fuss about her situation. Not from her lack of cleanliness, lack of bedding, clothing, food, or even water.

She was wasting away, but she never complained. If she did, the Decepticon leader would simply tell her that it was her fault, anyway. She'd gotten herself captured, how could she possibly have room to complain to them when they kept her alive?

Just barely, but they did.

More importantly, he did.

Surely she meant something to him, surely the 'ruthless' leader of the Decepticons had a heart in there somewhere, right?

He had to. She would find it. She would draw it out of him, make him see that she was worth something. Then he would care about her. He would realize how lucky he'd gotten to have found her, even if it wasn't his intention.

He walked past her though, ignoring the human. He did not step on her, he took enough care to avoid that, but the warlord paid her no attention as he went about his daily tasks.

The young woman followed him around, offering her input here and there. Still, Megatron ignored her. He did not pay attention to her voice unless it was to glance at her occasionally after she made some comment.

Three months.

Three months since she had come here and still, she followed him around. When she'd come, she'd been headstrong. But as she was exposed to the warlord more and more, she became more compliant. She no longer shouted or tried to do her own thing. Instead, she followed the warlord around, watching him, giving him her affection.

Every time he made a decision, she would smile and give her full support behind it.

He would barely acknowledge her.

While it quietly crushed her spirit, she didn't let on that it was so devastating to her. Instead, she kept her chin up.

At least, until she was left alone for long periods of time.

Then her spirit crashed, falling into a tailspin as she fought for some sort of logic. Megatron had been kind for a while. He'd shown her the ship, spoken to her like he was human, too.

She couldn't give up on him. She wouldn't.

It would all be worth it in the end when she made him realize that she was here for him.

The Autobots . . . She missed them greatly, but had no desire to go back. Megatron needed her far more than the Autobots did.

It wasn't until that morning when the ground bridge opened that she stirred from her slumber. Megatron was leaving again. It was nothing unusual, but she felt the burning desire to follow him.

Sprinting with what little strength she had, she made it through the bridge in time to hear the blasts of cannons and the crashing of metal bodies.

The Autobots were outnumbered by his troops, and while she wished the Autobots no harm, she felt a bit of happiness that he was doing well.

The Autobots were getting ready to retreat to preserve themselves.

She stepped out from where she'd been hiding, watching the scene unfold.

"Megatron!" She called out for him, but the warlord was so keyed up from the battle that he didn't realize the voice came from someone harmless.

He fired his cannon without thinking twice.

While it narrowly missed her, the blast uprooted the ground she stood on and sent her flying.

Already weak, the young woman's bones snapped as she hit the brutal cliffside behind her, head lashing against it.

The internal bleeding started upon impact.

She could barely breathe by the time she hit the ground. Her entire body hurt more than she'd ever imagined possible.

She heard the ground bridge open again, and the vehicons were leaving.

"You brought this on yourself," Megatron told her, realizing the young woman was doomed to die. A bit of sorrow crossed his faceplate as he vented heavily. "It's a damn shame. I was starting to like you."

And then he was gone, disappearing into the ground bridge.

How could he leave her? She'd given him everything she could. And he'd left her. He'd left her and he hadn't even thought twice about it. How was that possible? He cared about her! He had to! And yet . . .

She shuddered, shaking as she lay on the rocky ground, feeling her body begin to shut down. Had she meant anything to him at all?

It wasn't long before she was scooped up into Arcee's grasp, the blue femme looking down at the broken body of a young woman with sorrow.

"Rest peacefully, Sierra."

The blood had stopped trickling out of her mouth, but still stained her face. Her once lively eyes were dull.

She had lost her life, all from a mech who'd once made her feel like she could own the world and keep it at her feet. But he'd abandoned her without a second thought and left her to die alone. 

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