Marry Sensei Chapter 1

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 This is my first published work here (though this is not my first story written). I hope you enjoy reading! :)



                       “I love you Ryuu-sensei!”

For a moment, my world froze. I’m trying my best not to avert my gaze on him. It’s now or never. I chose to confess.

                        “Then..... let’s get married,” he answered, smiling.

----------------------------------- -----

He is a man who knows how to use words perfectly. His grey eyes is his best feature, no, not that one, that’s just his second best feature, I guess his messy hair or his cool personality? Or rather the way he smiles when someone from the class cracks a joke? Ah... The way he looks at me… is enough for my whole body to ascend to heaven.

                        “Class... open your textbooks on page 23.”

“Hey Miki,” Eya said and tugged her sleeve. “Don’t be such a nuisance,” she whispered back as she is giving much attention to the discussion. “I just wanted to ask if you’re free tomorrow. I need a new lacy skirt for my wardrobe,” she whispered. Seeing she didn’t respond, Eya let out a sigh, “okay, maybe I’ll tell you again later, in case you weren’t paying attention.”

Miki Imanari Ashikaga never fails to attend his History class. She listens eagerly and she writes every word that he says, very evident in her 200-sheets notebook.

“Starting next week we will be discussing about the Greek history, so you better read in advance, if you have any questions, you may meet me during my consultation period, that’s everyday from four to five in the afternoon. Okay class, you may go.” Teacher Ryuu told the class and smiled at the students before leaving. Did he just smiled at me???

Miki looked over her notes. Hmm... I can’t formulate a question. And that leaves me with no excuse of seeing him for today. I still have four more hours to think it over.

Eya went to her. “When are you going to give up Miki?”. She looked up and said, ”Eya, you are my best friend and you know the answer to that,” she answered and stood. “Let’s have lunch now,” she continued. Eya just sighed and followed her to the canteen. I have to think of the perfect question...

“wow, they’ve got chocolate cake today!” Eya exclaimed. “I’ll skip rice for today, how about you Miki?” she asks as she orders half of the chocolate cake roll. “I’ll have clubhouse sandwich and a large iced tea,” Miki told the cashier. What should I ask him?

I can’t think of a question, his discussion was flawless. “Is it okay now for me to ask you? after class tomorrow, can you accompany me?”Eya asked. What to ask? Maybe some reference materials about Greek History? Nah... that would make me  look stupid. “HEY MIKI!” Eya shouted at her, “For once, try to listen to me,” she sighed again. “Okay, I’ll accompany you tomorrow,” Miki answered and sipped some iced tea. Eya’s eyes beamed. “Aw... here I thought you weren’t paying attention, thank you so much Miki! You don’t know how this means to me...”

                        “oh? The lacy blouse? I’ll help you pick...”

                        “That’s a skirt for you! I’ll take it back, you weren’t listening!”

They walked past the corridors. It is the second week of their sophomore year. Many guys look at Eya as they pass by. “Whoah... she’s wearing a yellow ribbon today, Hi Eya!”Usui scooted her. “Hi,” Eya answered and continue to walk with Miki. “He could accompany you tomorrow, he seemed nice,” Miki commented. “I don’t like his type,” Eya answered and peeked at her phone. There’s no message in her inbox. She sighed again. “You probably sigh a million times a day Eya,” she said and went inside their room and immediately sat down. Eya followed her. “I suggest you break up with him,”.

Marry SenseiWhere stories live. Discover now