//chapter 2//

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So here I am listening to all the girls rant about how hot harry looks all sweaty. I just don't understand what they see in him. Like honestly I would never get with him. Ever. Jordan my best friend totally agrees with me but I mean she has been with the same guy, Logan who is the best player on the soccer team, for about 4 years now. They started dating freshman year. They are really cute and all but I just don't see the point in dating. She always talks about him, me and harry always make fun of her for it but I know how much her and logan are in love and and it makes me so happy.

"Ash!" I hear harry yell from across the field, "lets go our families are going out for dinner tonight and im driving" Shoot I hate when our families go out to dinner. All I hear is how great Johnny is doing at Michigan and watch Sidney my younger sister flirt with harry the whole time. I run to the car so fast so I don't have to hear all the stupid football players and their disrespectful comments towards me.

"That new cheerleader, Nina, was totally checking you out at practice today. Everyone thinks shes gonna be the new "it girl" but I don't know she was really rude to me." I say as soon as we get into the car.

" yeah damn she was hottt but I don't know shes not my type." Harry says winking at me

"since when do you have a type?" I say sarcastically

Harry rolls his eyes and starts blasting rap music. God he has the worst taste in music it makes me so mad.


During practice all I heard was Ash, Ash, Ash, im tired of it. She is so pretty and needs someone who will take care of her. She deserves it. I yell at her from across the field to come with me and that we have dinner with our families. All the guys think that "dinner with our families" means going to hookup in my car. They have no respect for her. She starts running to the car. She comes in and starts talking about this Nina girl. I don't even listen all I do is watch her talk. She looks so happy. God shes so amazing. Dinner is going to suck. I hate our families. Her brother johnny is such a douche and so rude to everyone but her parents think he is the best thing ever. Me and ash always make fun of it. Her sister Sidney who is only one year younger then me always tries to get with me, ill admit shes pretty hot but not as hot as Ash. I think im going to get with that nina girl just to piss of ash. I love getting her mad. When shes mad she starts to bit her lip and wrinkle her nose and its so cute so I try to do it as much as I can. Now that im thinking about it ill play my shitty rap music to piss her off. Oh look shes doing it. Wow shes so cute. Shoot we are here now.

" hey harry don't have to much fun with Sidney tonight" She says to me while winking. why do I have to be so in love with her. Shes so stupid, she doesn't even realize.

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