The Three Sisters

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AN: Hello all, this is AquaDragon78 and guest stars hannah9641 and KTGB33! Give them a round of virtual applause!

Onyx: *claps sarcastically*

AD79: You aren't even in this story!

Onyx: So? I'll probably show up at some point anyway... Can I be the villain?

AD78: Shut. Up.

Onyx: Fine, jeesh. Pushy, pushy.

AD78: Anyway.... on with the story! I hope you all enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: It's in the summary.


"So, movie night?" I smirk as I and my two sisters, Heather and Katie, head for the small house the three of us have shared since we left the orphanage. As the eldest of the three sisters, it is my job to do the planning and shopping; as well as pay the rent for our house here in Manhattan. Katie, the middle sister, is creative and funny, doing any and all odd jobs that tend to pop up. Heather is the youngest, and a tomboy. She is amazing at motor cross, and wins money at tournaments or us to use. We all have jobs at an aquarium nearby, and Katie is my editor for the stories I publish. (AN: The identities of these three should be FAIRLY OBVIOUS)

"Yay! Movie night!" shouts Katie, doing a happy dance as we walk towards our apartment.

"Can you help me?" comes a voice suddenly, and we all freeze and turn to an apartment complex's intercom.

"We all heard that... right?" I ask self-consciously, and we all nod in agreement.

"Please," comes the little girl's voice, "I can't find my mommy."

"We can't just stand here, we have to help her," says Heather, crossing her arms.

"Are you kidding me? Remember all those creepy TV series we watched? This is exactly what happened! If we go, we'll be burned to a crisp by a spaceship's Emergency Program!" cries Katie, and we share a nervous look.

"Please, can you help me?" comes the voice again, and I muster my courage.

"Those were TV shows, Katie. This is real life, and someone needs our help." Katie and Heather share a glance before nodding. Taking a breath, I wrap my hand around the doorknob and yank it open. Inside, the lights are flickering and the silhouette of a young girl is clearly visible as she stands up a flight of stairs and in front of her door.

"I'm getting a really bad feeling," whispers Heather, and I nod in agreement. This was all just too familiar....

"What does your Mom look like?" I ask, and the silhouette pauses.

"Please, can you help me?" she asks again, repeating the phrase endlessly. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and focus on my hearing. Zoning in on the voice, searching for emotions and vocal tremors....

"No," I bite out, pulling myself to my full height and staring at the figure. "I don't know who you are, or WHAT you are, but there is no panic, or any other emotion, visible in your voice. In all likelihood, you're DEAD." Heather reaches inside her black jacket, gripping the five-inch knife she carries with her. Katie grabs two bottles from her belt satchels, one filled with pepper spray, and the other with frozen dry ice. Unlike my sisters, I don't have any weapons of my own. My rage works just fine.

"Wait, don't go up there!" cries a voice as two men stumble out of the apartment next to us. The one who yelled has an unruly mop of fairly awesome brown hair, emerald eyes that are full of hidden pain, and is wearing overalls, a brown tweed coat, rumpled white shirt, and a bow tie. The other man, older in appearance, has short, blondish-brown hair and is quite overweight.

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